it's time for a new independent movie industry

How about this:

Anyone who would like to promote Macbeth 3000 (my feature) and the screening on August 28th, feel free to do so on your site.

I have gone so far as to construct a web banner image for people to use:


Feel free to link it to

Thanks! I really would appreciate it!

More details on the site.
Spatula... you ought to know better than to be clear, concise, to-the-point and articulate in any single post. That's the kind of things that gets results... and we can't have that now, can we.

I'll add that to my site when I get home tonight.


'sup, good Spis007 :)

I've seen every film on the main page, and about 80% of the films that rapidly get added to the Screening Room.

Lots of good stuff there. :cool:
I like how you guys are changing the subject. But I feel like my little venue is being ignored don't forget about VegasIndiesTv you know exposure for the filmmaker, and I have alot connections in vegas to get you interviews on the local stations. I know it's been slow go but remember its just me doing this show alone. And I think all your shorts are awesome so keep them coming. By the way Vegas is blowing up on the Indie scene check it out...
funches said:
but Clive don't you feel that your hostility may cause some people not to share their thoughts and ideas in the fear that you may attack them?

Originally Posted by John@Bophe
Funches...this won't be a problem for Clive. He is a well respected contributing member to this forum.

Yes ... I am right.

NOTE to Spatula: I'd be happy to add your banner to my site. I'll take care of it this evening.

NOTE to VegasIndiesTV: I sent you our short (on DVD) several months ago. How's it going? Are you actually on air yet? Do you have a schedule worked out? I would like to know if our movie ever makes it on the air in Vegas (even if it is only at 2:00 am on Halloween). Thanks!
Wow- thanks guys! I didn't think that would actually work! Mucho apppreciato!

(anyone who wants a reciprocate link, send me a PM and I'll adder up)
John, VITV has already been on the air twice, but I had to pay for that out of my pocket, so I'm working with some stations around town to do a barter with the show. And things are looking good. I know it's taking forever, but give it time your movie will hit air. I'm not filling anyone up with hot air because this is for all the filmmakers not only me. Please check on my site and join the forum to get updates. Thanks.
oh so some of you guys did understand part of the concept...good

I've also invented something which I think has an infinite number of practical applications. It's round like a ball, but flat, sort of like a slice of a cylinder...I call it, 'The Whe-el'. Like a chicken in every American pot, I envision a sea of 'L-A-z-y S-u-s-a-n-s' on every American table, starting with Chicago tables, well, my table anyway. It would display entrees, desserts, beverages, and condiments all on a mobile, easily accessible "Whe-el" in the middle of a "Squ-are" table (which I shall invent tommorrow). Now, all I need to do is determine the ideal surface area of said "Whe-el" as to better display dressings, foodstuffs, cakes, and ah,.....EUREKA! PI-IIIIIIII.

Banner exchange (a form of collatoral advertisement) is an old concept
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And that number plus that of other forums could easy total to 200,000, what if were the number one site to have your trailer featured, would it evolve into a distributor or become the guild for distributors by becoming the Roger Ebert of Independent movies? This thread is a microcosm of the power that could be generated within the Independent Filmmaking witness the good it could do for Spatula and the evil it could do as this creation, this monster was directed towards me Baron Von Frankenstein or is that Funches-tein? about that ..just keeping it Film ...

Bird..I see you are still flying around...leaving droppings?
just like in school, there were always those few that would disrupt the class looking for attention and keeping others for learning as the teacher had to deal with them, it was funny in grade school, but what about those that payed to go to film school and come here to hear ideas or to share ideas so they could benefit and there are still know

Bird..I guess you do add comic relief to the forum...or gas