PROMETHEUS Ridley Scott prequel

Oh, okay. Well then in that case, as Ray pointed out, that's just a screenwriter who doesn't know what it means for something to be fossilized.

Maybe it's not accurate, but he wanted something close to that.

Ridley Scott: "Because I wanted a fossil, almost"

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It's kind of sad. The thing I loved the most about Alien was that it was so simple, unlike other classic sci-fis that involved heavy mythology and information.

Seems that's changed. Anyway, I plan on seeing Prometheus this Friday. I'm a little disappointed though that the critical acclaim has been less than overwhelming.
Maybe it's not accurate, but he wanted it.

It's not accurate. And I don't think he knew what he wanted (because he didn't know what a fossil is). :P

It's kind of sad. The thing I loved the most about Alien was that it was so simple, unlike other classic sci-fis that involved heavy mythology and information.

Seems that's changed. Anyway, I plan on seeing Prometheus this Friday. I'm a little disappointed though that the critical acclaim has been less than overwhelming.

Damn, man, how do you allow yourself to be disappointed with a movie you haven't yet seen?

Darn it, all that mythology and information! That'll never get sci-fi anywhere.
Dont know if this has been posted but its an interesting read:

That's an interesting read.

And I really enjoyed the Red Letter Media video he had posted at the bottom.

Akira the Don's video is a lot of fun too.

Of all the comments one could make, I have to say I'm skeptical about the virgin birth stuff. Maybe that's what they intended. But...can you really have a virgin birth when the birth follows from intercourse? A better Biblical analog might be Sarah. But of course that wouldn't seem to fit the Engineer-Jesus symbolism these people are talking about. I'm leaning towards agreeing with Akira on the maturity level the filmmakers have going in Prometheus. But I think any big budget Hollywood film gets a certain amount of good will from me just for trying...even when the result might be bit of a mess. Despite Scott himself saying that the idea that the killing of Jesus pissed the Engineers off was an impetus for him, maybe the simplest explanation is the case. Could it be that the way Shaw is "impregnated" was chosen simply for its B-movie, titillating shock value? That, and it hadn't been done that way before (getting a xenomorh in and out of a victim, in the Alien movies, that is)?
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Prometheus - 7/10
This is a beautifully shot film, (thoroughly appreciated in "olde fashioned" 2D) .
The productions standards for set design and special effects are outstanding.
The story, however, was written for idiots.
Who the f**k flies across the galaxy, doesn't map out the planet before picking an arbitrary landing site, doesn't survey their needle in a haystack site find before landing, throws together a dysfunctional ad hoc crew with zero respect for a non-existant chain of command, has geologists that can't find their way out of a labrynthine tunnel system with his own mapping system, biologists that try to make friends with three-foot alien planarians, why does no one have any concept of biological contamination on an alien planet just because the air has breathable levels of gas mixes (KEEP YOUR G.D. HELMETS ON!), why does Vickers have a medpod thingie set up for only males in her private escape pod, in fact, WHY is Vickers even in the story?
Otherwise, it's a thoroughly enjoyable scifi horror thriller adventure flick. :)
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Oh, and by the way...

DAVID - My. My. You’re pregnant.
SHAW - What?
DAVID - From the look of it, three months, so.
SHAW - No. That’s impossible. I can’t be pregnant.
DAVID - Did you have intercourse with Dr. Holloway?
SHAW - Yes, but ten hours ago. There’s no bloody way I’m three months pregnant.
DAVID - Well, doctor, it’s not actually a traditional fetus.

... uh... If "it’s not actually a traditional fetus" then how the h3ll does he know it's three months along, especially since he knows darn good and well it isn't? :grrr:
(Rhetorical ;))

Effing retarded.

Did everyone in this film's production have a fifth-grade education? (Also rhetorical)

This film has so many logic gaps that I wonder if Scott knows this and has actually PLANNED ahead for the BluRay release with the extra half hour so that the story makes sense only with that content - as a plot to promote its BluRay sales.

:lol: Also nice:
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This movie was great and the nitpicking from the haters (mainly those who don't get it) is kinda odd. Ridley gave us a thrilling sci-fi in the middle of "super hero summer" and I'm grateful. The third act is NOT perfect but overall, the film is well-made and subtle. The mystery is what sci-fi is about, in my view, and it leaves room for a sequel. Not to mention, one of the writers of LOST co-wrote this! Mystery is a given.

This dude explains stuff thoroughly, I feel:
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Ray, by your standards, pretty much EVERY sci-fi was "written for idiots". There are very few that have ever been made that really stand up to the level of scrutiny being applied to this movie.

I'm certainly no idiot (I know that comment wasn't directed at me or anyone else). I have a degree in a scientific field, for crying out loud. But I'm also capable of suspending my disbelief and just buying into the imaginary world created for us.
Just read through the script. Saw the film Friday night. I'm not a fan of the Alien franchise going into it, like Nick I haven't actually seen them haha. I didn't read anything about the film before hand and didn't realize it was a prequel until the end. All that to say, I really didn't enjoy the film. Without going into any spoilers, I thought it was beautiful (saw it in 3D on a brand new giant screen). I mean gorgeous, but the story was all over the place with very little character development and important plot points coming from the most awkward sources. Excellent acting, but shallow characters that gave me no reason to connect with them throughout. I didn't feel bad when any one person died because there was no connection with them. It wasn't any amount of scientific or moral content I disagreed with that ruined it. I appreciate a good story regardless of where it's coming from, it just wasn't a good story to me :/

End of the night, I was pretty disappointed. It's funny, I'm a little shocked to see how much praise it's getting here haha. To each their own, eh?
Ray, by your standards, pretty much EVERY sci-fi was "written for idiots". There are very few that have ever been made that really stand up to the level of scrutiny being applied to this movie.

I'm certainly no idiot (I know that comment wasn't directed at me or anyone else). I have a degree in a scientific field, for crying out loud. But I'm also capable of suspending my disbelief and just buying into the imaginary world created for us.

Cracker, it seems like you really like Prometheus. But you're getting upset for no reason buddy.

I suspend disbelief all the time. But we suspend disbelief in our own ways. Usually for me, once the world is established, then based on that frame of reference, the more things that make sense, the better the film for me. I'm willing to believe that technology has advanced enough for the cryo stuff to work. I'm willing to believe that the atmosphere inside the ship resembles that of earth. I'm willing to believe a lot. But in a weird way, I need other things to make sense. If I feel that they cheated a bit too much in this movie, I don't see why that should be upsetting. Scott is a great filmmaker. So is his brother. But I still feel like he could have done a bit more on this one.

cheers :)
Cracker, it seems like you really like Prometheus. But you're getting upset for no reason buddy.

I suspend disbelief all the time. But we suspend disbelief in our own ways. Usually for me, once the world is established, then based on that frame of reference, the more things that make sense, the better the film for me. I'm willing to believe that technology has advanced enough for the cryo stuff to work. I'm willing to believe that the atmosphere inside the ship resembles that of earth. I'm willing to believe a lot. But in a weird way, I need other things to make sense. If I feel that they cheated a bit too much in this movie, I don't see why that should be upsetting. Scott is a great filmmaker. So is his brother. But I still feel like he could have done a bit more on this one.

cheers :)

Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiit. Just because I make many comments, that doesn't mean I'm upset (I'm not). That just means I like this discussion. Why can't I reply to a comment that I think is pure hyperbole, and not really on-point? Nothing wrong with hyperbole; I use it all the time. But that doesn't mean I can't respond to it by making sure that we all know it's hyperbole, and not really a valid argument (in my opinion, yadda yadda).

Aveek, I completely appreciate, and agree with, your statements regarding suspension of disbelief. There is no resolute line that can be drawn that says that one thing is okay to look past, but something else is not. The things you allow yourself to not notice are going to be different from person to person. I'd even say that the mood you're in can have a serious influence on your acceptance of what you're seeing.

And that is just one reason why a statement like, "the story was written for idiots", is bunk. You and Paul made some great criticisms of the movie, that actually said something about the movie. Tact matters.
I stand corrected.

You're just a passionate guy. :)

I like talking about movies that I like, regardless of if I'm in full agreement with everyone or in disagreement.

And just think -- I "only" gave Prometheus an "A". If more people had been willing to talk about Rise of the Planet of the Apes ("A+" in my book), I could've gone on forever. :)
Finally got to see Prometheus yesterday. It was a pretty good movie, from my point of view. Yes there were some very questionable decisions/actions and some bad exposition (as rawy demoed for us). But I chalked most of that up to Ridley Scott placing the audience in the weaker position (as was most of the crew on board) of knowledge and thus power.

My thesis is based on the way David knew an awful lot about the "Engineers", and I mean down to the sequence of hieroglyphics and stuff. They try to mask it with the opening sequence by showing him learning various advanced topics. However, once we start to learn a thing or two as more information is revealed during the course of the movie I came away with the understanding that Weyland corp (or whatever) weren't just playing a high stakes (trillion dollar) game of poker here - they knew much, much more than initially shared. Now one can argue about the logistics and smarts of the whole expedition but when one is filthy rich and arrogant enough (which human's are expert at being) add in some desperation then anything makes sense when you believe that you can cheat The Reaper.

I can attempt a counter argument for all the points raised and questions asked (great points and questions I might add) but I won't on account of me not knowing how to do that cool digital redaction thingy that most have done on here. I am convinced that Scott made the movie that he wanted to make. Why are there so many holes in the story? Only he knows. It was still a pretty good story for me though (plus them visuals were plain awesome too - and I only saw the 2D version). Not having a go at the debate that is going on though as it is freaking awesome - just putting my two "Vampire Hunters" in on the dance.

I like talking about movies that I like, regardless of if I'm in full agreement with everyone or in disagreement.

And just think -- I "only" gave Prometheus an "A". If more people had been willing to talk about Rise of the Planet of the Apes ("A+" in my book), I could've gone on forever. :)

I would start a whole new thread about Rise of Planet of the Apes with you, but I don't have the time right now. But I'll just say this. I loved the original. I was looking forward to Rise. I enjoyed most of it. And then I didn't enjoy the "escape" part. I think they could have made the escape alone into it's own movie. Instead they made the escape in 10 minutes through the fog and over a bridge through a heavily armed police force. Which I didn't believe. They could have made the escape much more complicated. It's not easy to escape humans. We have powerful weapons and we're smart. When we want to win, we dominate, we destroy and annihilate. That's our nature when we want to win. Now since we've established that the apes were maybe even smarter, it would have been good to see an escape where they do it with sheer intelligence.

anyway... I'm going to stop writing... :lol:... don't let your love for Rise derail this thread...