"Everywhere I Go" Production Diary

Hey Folks,

It's back again. Created by the infamous Nick Clapper, rebirthed by the brain-box and Moderator Chilipie and now elbowed to a bloody, brutal death by yours truly.

You can also follow it on..(Please share or drop us a follow)

Tumblr http://eigproductiondiary.tumblr.com/

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Everywhere-I-Go/155602314523310

We'll be updating (I'll try and get the other guys involved, 'cause you're sick of me, right?) with every small victory, every development and ofcourse, the setbacks.


A Polish immigrant and factory worker, Kate Zurek, arrives home to find herself face-to-face with the creatures of her deepest fears. And the worst thing is, they do not speak Polish.

Here's the first promotional poster designed by the fantastic Maks Bereski (Thanks, Nick!)

The credits will be amended as we begin to hire more crew. It feels awkward seeing my name that many times :lol:

Everywhere I go by PTPfilms

Time to get this going!

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Post#3 “We’re pregnant” (Probably not. Okay, not)

It’s Monday. Monddddaaay.

It’s Monday, September 5th (Already? I know), and as the third “light shower” of the day threatens pre-winter flu-jabs for the brave, wind-stricken deciples that scamper frivolously throughout our glorious town centre in aid of this weeks must-have. I, aided by a constant loop of Sky Sports News, am in limbo. Networking Limbo.

It’s Groundhog day here at Papertwin because everything is happening…tomorrow.

We’re “Skype meeting” with Tina (Our fantastic concept artist) to continue crafting our Bear character- she has spent the weekend in the land of oversized fruit. NYC.

We’re speaking further with Rowena regarding the possible funding of Everywhere I Go.

I’m also meeting with an Accountant who has kindly offered to spare a couple of hours free of charge (perks of a Solicitor in the family) regarding what, as a company, we should look out for when acquiring funding/general book balancing/tax. I’ll be taking notes, and I’ll post them up for you all to see.

There’s even more calls with the two crew members who I cannot WAIT to officially introduce to the project. We're just waiting on schedule clearance, and we're good to go. I’ve been looking forward to working with these guys for the past six months. Super talented.

So that’s all, folks.

Time to prepare a remotely healthy dinner, and rest up for tomorrow.

Don't forget you can catch us and follow Everywhere I Go on Facebook.


- Daniel

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Post#4 "The times they are a changin'"

Just a quick update after yesterdays' marathon of "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya'..."

Two meetings. One rescheduled. One reorganised.

Things went fantastically well with Tina (Concept artist). Just a thank you for the help regarding which of the two examples you liked best. You'll be glad to know we went more in direction of Bear#1. Big cheer!

Tina is hard at work as we speak, and we should be seeing the next version as soon as tomorrow.

Further developments with our new crew member. Things are looking as though they should be sewn up very, very soon. Pssst. He's a Production Designer.

We've now two new accountants who are willing to help PTP with our "ins and outs". This "being a business" lark, and doing it properly, is hugely confusing. So we're glad to have them onboard. Especially if we're successful with the grant. Got to do things by the book.

A slight reschedule means we will be speaking to Rowena tomorrow regarding all things funding. Just dying to get this underway. But gotta wait 24 hours.

I also spoke to quite a few Film Bloggers today just to build some bridges before we start promotion. Really cool guys. Things are looking positive.

So that's it, just a quick one.

You can catch all things Everywhere I Go on Facebook/Tumblr. Don't forget to share. Where are you manners? :)


- Daniel
