Crowd funding success stories?

Thanks for the info. The producers and I have gone back and forth on the SAG, no-SAG issue.

It seems like unless you have a built in audience, doing crowd funding is only going to get you a few bucks and should probably be done through indiegogo so you at least get that. I know you can buy "likes" and featured videos and all that stuff... but wouldn't that be better spent on just advertising the movie itself?

Yeah, you're going to have to choose whether or not to SAG it up or not.

You're right about the audience. If you don't have a built in audience, you're better off going directly to your friends and family asking for money and then picking up a job like McDonalds that pays minimum wage. You'll earn more from it than from the campaign... hourly rate wise.

From how it's been explained to me, you're not really going to get any benefit from a "Featured spot" on any crowd funding site. People don't really troll the internet looking for projects to donate their money. It usually all comes down to the traffic you successfully drive to the campaign. If you use a dual system where you're collecting the details of the donators for the benefit of future similar campaigns, then promoting and advertising may make more sense, though that relies on long term plans. Most filmmakers are looking for short term solutions to their money requirements.

As for whether it'd be best just advertising the movie itself, that's a matter of opinion really and how you plan on advertising it and your budget, roll-out plans for distribution etc. The marketing you put into your crowd funding campaign can also be used to build up your audience and build a following for your film early and help it go along a lot smoother. It can also depend on what kind of film it is to whether you can gain evangelists or not.