10 films u enjoi

I love the part where Beatrix askes Bill (after he's shot her with the truth serum) how long it takes to kick in & he says "about 2 minutes, long enough for me to prove my point"

lol, so funny.
Today at school (I go to a private school so that will explain why a church is mentioned...) A friend of mine was over at the church for a picture as she's a prefect (I... am not.) & she saw a poster for 'the passion of the christ' on the notice board!!! The catholic church here is more corrupt then I suspected... there bying into cinema advertising!!!! :shock: :? lol
don't forget these!

Spirited Away
The Goonies
The Labrynth
Fight Club
Princess Mononoke
Donnie Darko
A Beautiful Life
and Desperado (it's a fun movie)
Well, yeah. It's got a surprisingly twisted plot, 2 sexy guys showing off their ripped muscles, cool gorey fx, and amazing fight scenes! (I especially liked the one when Edward Norton was beating himself up. I was like, "wtf!" That's some pretty weird stuff.)
I'm quite a fan of his work too. For someone as young as himself, he sure does know what he wants and how to get it. Some people really are just naturals. He was born with his talent for a reason and that's why so many people are entertained by his work.
I've already seen both volumes on their opening days. I couldn't wait, even bought the tickets in advance. It is also on my faves list, but they were already mentioned amongst the lists of good films, so I had to mention the ones I didn't see but thought should be on there. (Of course I didn't realize how many pages of lists were there already and so I might have repeated some.)
my current top 10

In no particular order really... this was kinda tough :)

01. Kill Bill (Vol.1&2)
02. Pulp Fiction
03. American Beauty
04. Heathers
05. Fight Club
06. Requiem for a Dream
07. Labrynth
08. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
09. Office Space
10. Secretary
Oh, yeah...Yeah, now that I think about it, I guess it is pretty rare. But, I never really thought about it because most of the girls that I hang out with are more on the edgy side too so they like a lot of the same movies I like including Fight Club. In fact, I'm really close to my older sister and it's on her fave list too! Gotta just appreciate a good movie when you see one.