Recent content by Weaponx

  1. W

    Advice needed: too many ideas

    I'm currently trying to organize all of my ideas into coherent files and I'm trying rework a scene where there is a lot of exposition and trying to find a way to change it up and keep it a little interesting compared to most "point it out" type scenes. The enemy in the script is a private...
  2. W

    An overlooked element

    I would agree with filman. If everything isn't in order things don't seem to work out in the end. I always thought the best advice I've gotten about screenplays so far is that if you are having a problem in a scene you have to look earlier in the script for the solution. Also I would say it is...
  3. W

    Hey I showed this short exert of a screen play to my mom an she hated it.

    Also to add to what Godchoo said. The conversation between John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson was meant to introduce these characters and to give something to keep the tension going throughout the next scene where they go into the apartment. And as indietalk said what is the point? I would...
  4. W

    Advice needed: too many ideas

    Thank you very much for your comments they are all very helpful.
  5. W

    stupid question???

    I have a friend who even though we take film classes and have access to as much equipment as we could possibly handle refuses to use anything but his canon powershot. He loves using it because it's simple and light and has tons of fun. If you are just experimenting anything would be fine and fun...
  6. W

    Advice needed: too many ideas

    Thank you everyone for the advice. I have so much going on right now it's hard to focus on any ideas right now but I'm trying hard to push forward. And indietalk thank you. I know it may seem like it would be much easier if I love the idea but honestly the problem is I love at least a few...
  7. W

    Advice needed: too many ideas

    Thanks for the advice so far and having too many ideas is a gift. I just love each one nearly to death but I am currently trying to finish a script I came up with a few months ago and so far it's been going good I just really can't seem to stay focused on this one. I really love the idea I just...
  8. W

    Hey I showed this short exert of a screen play to my mom an she hated it.

    I felt the same way after reading this. I think the writing was well done and the characters seemed believable for the most part(some of Jason's lines felt alittle forced) but I don't understand why you wrote this. If this is a section from a movie I would say you need to further the plotline...
  9. W

    Advice needed: too many ideas

    Alright, well I'm still pretty new to this forum but I have been writing and filming projects for at least a couple years now. I love writing and telling great stories whether it be through screenplays or whatever but the problem I have is that I have notebooks full of many feature length...
  10. W


    A great example of a no answer ending that pretty much works is Cemetary Man. It is a hilarious dark comedy that sort of becomes more of a foreign film and has a strange no answer ending and is certainly worth watching. As long as you have a good conclusion I think you will be fine even without...
  11. W

    Too much suicide?

    I would say as long as you keep it interesting each time then it probably won't be too much. It would probably help if you did one or both as more of an implied suicide instead of showing them. Maybe by showing just after the failed attempt when the person is hospitalized and bandaged up. You...
  12. W

    Overcoming Idea Mental Block

    I think you just need to relax. It sounds like you are being too hard on yourself and are just making things too complicated. One of the things I would say to try is to think of the character you want to tell the story of and make him interesting. How about someone like an ex mexican wrestler...
  13. W

    Black Comedy and Tongue-in-cheek

    Addams Family, American Psycho, Evil Dead 2, Sleepy Hollow, Batman & Batman Returns are my favroite dark comedies and most of them have a lot of tongue in cheek stuff.
  14. W

    Shooting a night fight scene

    What most film makers do is either: a.) shoot later in the day and use blue filters or you can set a smaller aperture so it will look darker out. or b.) you shoot during "the magic hour" which is right before the hour before the sun sets. It is a small amount of time but it is bright enough to...
  15. W

    help with plot for a hero parody

    I could see this working if it was a short robot chicken like documentary. It would work great as a parody of those intervention shows or the Dr. Drew show but besides that I don't know how you would keep people interested. The only I don't get is why you are copyrighting a story that uses...