Violent or Not

'twas.. One of my fave bits is when the guy picks a fight with a preist by spraying him with a hose.. lol.. that was fun.
Poke mentioned Irriversable earlier in this thread. I found that totally horrific and to behonest verging on the sensational. The violence had a point... but to a certain extent the director dwelled to long as if to glamourise it! hmmm... any thoughts?
I haven't seen the whole thing, but I've heard alot about it. Is that the part with the fire extinguisher, cuz I heard it was very graphic, and realistic.
Also Gaspar Noe did another movie called I stand alone, that's supposed to have a very graphic climax. Tryin to get my hands on that movie as we speak.
mjsmith said:
Cheers to you Poke! You should add philosopher to your occupation line :D Very insightful.

Thanks. I'm also thinking of adding "Never Ending Radical Dude" to my occupation line. What are your thoughts on that?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail is an interesting example of humerous violence (you stupid bastard, your arms off! No it isn't!)
That's good to, especially cause you KNOW it's fake, rather like QT actually. I love to see film makers get creative with a low buget, how they made unrealistic fighting from a negative to a positive. (Come back here! I'll bite your legs off!)