Now that Disney owns Star Wars ...

... what should it do to restore the legacy of the franchise? I would undo all the tinkering GL has been doing, and perhaps redo the prequels.

What would you do?
... what should it do to restore the legacy of the franchise? I would undo all the tinkering GL has been doing, and perhaps redo the prequels.

That would be a slap in the face to a guy who is being really generous with his brain-child.

Just move forward, make it as best as you can. I'd like to see what Brad Bird could do with a Star Wars movie!
Cull ideas from fan fiction to fabricate the next three films.

Brad Bird would be fine, as would Peter Jackson or Matthew Vaughn.
Just keep Michael Bay the h3ll away.
What would be cool would be to see Guillermo del Toro's take. That might bring a dark maturity to the franchise. :devil:

Hmm... a Rob Zombie or Tim Burton Star Wars... Hmm...
(Saw DARK SHADOWS yesterday. Not Burton/Depp/Carter's best work. Ahem.)
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Just make the first film out of the gate to be great. Expectations are high. For this, they'll need to over deliver.
Even if the newest movie ends up being horrible, it will never change how great the original three are. "Restore" isn't the right word talking about the legacy, rather us "continue".
Remake the Phantom Menace with Jar Jar Binks dying a horrible death seconds after his character is introduced. After that continue on with the story or do prequels, lots of good books to draw from.
Boy i cant wait for goofy to start swinging a lightsaber. Yeah! that will happen! Star Wars is dead ..lets all move on..i gauntee that i will not see the new one. As for the fan films...dont worry the evil empire will shut down that site soon enough.
Boy i cant wait for goofy to start swinging a lightsaber. Yeah! that will happen! Star Wars is dead ..lets all move on..i gauntee that i will not see the new one. As for the fan films...dont worry the evil empire will shut down that site soon enough.

If they can remake True Grit they can remake StarWars. You don't pay a small chunk of the national debt for a franchise and not try to recoup.
I would be up for episode 7. I would be up for releasing the theatrical cuts on bluray (though I wouldn't buy them because I have them on dvd...but it would make a LOT of people happy). I would be less interested in a remake/reboot.

I am not worried. I'll try new ones because I'll watch anything at least once. If I don't like them, I don't have to watch them.
The originals on Blu-ray would be nice. Only, the original films were supposedly destroyed, so don't know if that's possible.

See People vs. George Lucas for one discussion among others on that.

That is to say, there's no point in putting them on Blu-ray, if it's just going to be the same crappy transfer from the 1993 laserdiscs that they put on DVD...unless Disney really wants to convey utter, cynical contempt for the fans who care.

Don't know about the authority of the author or the veracity of the article's content. But sounds kosher-ish to my layman's ears. Part of the conversation, anyway.
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I think everyone here would love to see consistent cameos from Jar-Jar Binks... as well as this bitch:
As long as there is cinema, there will be Star Wars. I can't imagine any time in the foreseeable future in which everyone all of a sudden just forget how to make great movies. There will be some crappy ones, but there will be some that are truly great, and they will inspire future filmmakers. I'm glad for that. :)


I love The Onion. I think in this case, however, their cynicism is unwarranted. Think about how Arndt got the job. He wasn't recruited. Mere days after the surprise announcement of the sale, dude had a 40-page treatment ready. A tad eager maybe?

Think of all of the top talents in Hollywood today, regardless of technical department. The vast majority of them surely grew up on Star Wars. This is a dream opportunity for them, just as it would be for you or I. Lucasfilm isn't going to have to vet any unheard-of filmmakers; they're going to have established filmmakers beating down their doors.

This is gonna be good.
Yeah totally! Hey, Toy Story 3 was pretty darn good, after all. =)

I just hope that they butt out and give him, or whoever, room to do his best.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.
I think it'd be cool if they did other movies than the main titles. Like a movie version of The Force Unleashed