It's Time Again... MidKnightly 2013!

Man, it's amazing how and when inspiration strikes. Brain was bone dry this morning. Concept came to me at 1:30 this afternoon while sipping coffee at Starbucks. Immediately headed home. Done with shooting. Lots of audio to record and I'm not certain I'll make the deadline, but will certainly try!

Best of luck! :cool:
Sorry folks. I shot some stuff today, but it turned out even worse than I thought it might....

Next year, I'm in! Good luck to all the other entrants!
Damn guys, I have been AWOL for longer than I thought. I can't believe I completely missed this thread.

I have made one film project this season/for Halloween, whether you choose to qualify it or not is up to you Knightly, since it wasn't made for this competition. Either way I'd love some feedback on it :)

Happy Halloween everyone!
This year's efforts from Flicker Pictures. Inspiration didn't strike until the bitter end. It ain't perfect, but I hope it does the trick. I had fun. :D
Password: buyerbeware

Thanks to JoshL (again) for lending his tracks to this one!

We're out the door for some Halloween reverie. Will check back in tomorrow!

I didn't post on YouTube because I used "third party content" for the end credits, but the link is unlisted so we'll see what happens.

Dready, you definitely captured the retro look and feel with that trailer. :yes: What festival was it for?
Well, hopefully soon I'll get you a proper new score, so third party content won't be an issue! The music you recycled did end up working out pretty well, I think!

Once again, great work, doubly so for a last-minute idea!
Chimp… I'm at work, if you can get it done by 6 central, I'll still throw it in the mix. Again, the point of the competition is to get folks to make something.
Dready, you definitely captured the retro look and feel with that trailer. :yes: What festival was it for?

Thanks, Jeff :) It's not SotSS, but we had fun and I gotta give mad props to Anna, the MUA and brains behind the whole operation :)

It was for a 24-hour horror fest, they had a call for trailers like these

They're doing another fest and are gonna be looking for more '50s B-movie stuff but with sci-fi instead of horror. I'm not gonna be able to do it because Sean and I are in the process of uprooting and transplanting our lives to Omaha, but I can forward the info if anyone here is interested in taking part.
My project was a crash & burn. Again.

I'll be able to look at your short horror films this weekend.
Hope you guys all had a toe-stubbing good time!

I didn't feel this warranted entering the competition, but wanted to share it anyway, so here it is:

I wanted to do a lighting test, so I wrote a little script that I thought we could use for that. Things I learned on this shoot:

1) The lights I have (focusable LED lights) failed miserably at any gobo usage. LED lights are invariably made up of multiple LEDs, and that makes for some funky shadows.
2) If you going to be in front of the camera, you'd better make damn sure the camera op has storyboard images to know what kind of framing you want. He was very helpful, but wasn't experienced enough to know what is and isn't "good".
3) Not all blue gels are created equal; I borrowed some, and despite the "blue" moniker and looking OK to the eye, they have a definite violent tint to them. After correcting for that, the grade I wanted to apply was totally too much for the poor T2i's codec.
4) It might just be a technical shoot, but take the time to come up with interesting shots and camera movement. We sort of ran out of time while shooting after wasting so much time not managing to get the lights and gobo to work, that we only had 2 hours to finish everything. I wish I'd planned more "cinematic" camera moves, rather than just focusing on the blue/orange contrast. Also, I'd planned on making the first few shots much wider, and then pushing in towards ECUs as the childs questions got more and more curious. Time was our enemy there, and if I'd spent more time preparing and testing before everyone showed up, I'd have known that the gobo wasn't going to work and could have spent the time on getting good shots instead of just settling for coverage.

Overall though, I enjoyed it. We learned a lot and got some more experience working together. The camera op and I are going to spend a good deal of time reviewing the footage both on the preview monitor I have and the final grade to really start getting a feel for what it looks like while captured and after a grade.

Enjoyed everyone's posts, gratz at finishing something especially!

And the winners are:

1st Place: Caveat Emptor (22)
2nd Place: Trick or Treater (20)
3rd Place: Witches Brew (19)
4th Place: Down the Drain (18)
5th Place: Man Without a Face (17)

I've put the full breakdowns in the first post.
Craig, I wish you'd got that in sooner… that was creepy! Simple but effective, even with the technical difficulties you encountered.
I'd also like to point out that Caveat Emptor used locked shots and lots of long Depth of Field… turned out quite cinematic.