Do we encourage each other enough to keep trying?

With all of the negativity in the industry, do we encourage each other enough to keep going and not let set backs, a bad day, a bad production, professional jjealousy, and discouraging family members make us want to quit?

In today's economy too, we face tougher times looking for both funding and jobs.

That is probably why so much media is devoted to heroes and hope. We need it as a survival mechinism.
You have to find the right group of people to surround yourself with so that you have a 'buffer' for all that negativity. I get that as well. Some people just don't get it.

Filmmaking is like any other art. It's hard and its unstable and it doesn't pay and it breaks your heart. But what else are you going to do?

I think that is why we look at people like Tarantino, Rodriguez, Anderson, Aronofsky and indies like them because somehow they do give us hope that maybe our filmatic voices can be heard as well. I mean, who thought the guy who directed "PI" would be nominated for an Oscar?

-- spinner :cool:
Given the level of resources most of us have to work with (next to nothing), few projects are going to look like Hollywood, hence there will be a lot of criticism from your average viewer, naturally. Some of us can grasp this mindset of what the realities of guerrilla actually are. Many of the experienced filmmakers (like directorik) are good at focusing on the positive, while not sugarcoating opinions on the work as a whole. Constructive criticism is always good.

A huge part of what we stress at the yearly Vegas IndieMeets is filmmaker support and learning what we can to improve our work. By and large, I find that this forum community is that kind of supportive group.
On the other hand, the early weeding out of those without the necessary mindset to be a successful filmmaker can be seen as a good thing for both parties.
I've had a post for two months elsewhere for science fiction writers and filmmakeers. Only 2 people commented on why we need stories of hope and heroes. Both replies point to the human need of hope and heroes for our own survival. With hope that things can get better, there is no point to keep going.

A building that took construction workers years to build can be destroyed in a single afternoon by a demolition team. My actors tell me they have their times of doubt too, where they feel they are not good enough. I was raised with daily reinforcement that I'm not any good at anything. I'm a failure in whatever I do. One of my cousins who used to visiit my family when I was growing up asks how did I ever make it with so much negativity. I always had hope for better times.

It's easy to tear people down with criticism. It is far more difficult to build people up.

We can better help each other with encouragement not to give up and keep trying. Encouragement is far more helpful than criticism.
I hate how creative arts become competitions. I don't deny that it's true. You put a film in a film fest, and even if you just want people to see it, you're competing against the other films there. You're competing for attention, for money, festival awards, etc, etc. People only have so much time in the day, and so many dollars to give.

When I was doing a lot of shows in the local music scene, there was so much in-fighting, backstabbing and general malcontent, it drove me crazy. And it was stupid; if Band A does well, they're more likely to help Band B do well if they were nice guys, and helped them when they needed it. I've never turned down a show without suggesting someone else for the bill, and I like to think some of the calls I've gotten have been some of the same.

As an aspiring film composer, there are only so many paying gigs in the world...but there's only so much time for me to work in a day. So, yeah, I am competing for jobs with other composers, but if I can't possibly do all those jobs, why not help others in my position when I can? I'd much rather sell myself as "I'm pretty good" rather than "that other guy sucks."

So, yeah, after all that digression, we should encourage each other. We're all in this together. If you help someone, even with just kind words, odds are better they'll return the favor when you need it. I think you've got it right, as far as needing heroes to inspire us, and why we've had them since the earliest stories.

2012? Let's do this thing.
In case no one's noticed, I admit I am... non-standard.
And in my non-standardness I remain possibly more observant than the average bear as I disregard many social conventions for the sake of convention.
As such, I observe my own children as unique individuals hellbent on doing whatever it is children do as unique individuals.
As my poor vexed wife tries to teach them how to integrate into society I teach them that if they're going to climb on walls then this is the proper way to do it so that you don't fall off and break something or get caught by the po-po.
If you're going to rob banks - then do it the right way. THIS is how you do it... !

Likewise, around here I've always respected the different playing levels each of us is at.
If you wanna make a $10 film, then... let's help you make the best $10 film you can.
If you wanna make a $100 film, then... by all means, let's make it happen.
Got <$1000 for euipment? Fine. You'll likely need A, B, C & D. Good enough is good enough.
Wanna make $500 look like $5,000,000? Well... good effin' luck on that.
A poor friend says gopherit!
A real friend tells you you have a bugger in your mustache and there ain't no way in hades that's gonna happen. Try scaling down your most ambitious idea. Just tuck that little nugget away in your pocket and save it for later. Work on something a little closer to $1000 on a $500 budget.

Old bull. Young bull.

Yeah, I see pretty much exclusively everyone of us here helping each other out in any way possible.
Yeah, this community is beautiful and fantastic.
Indietalk rocks!

Now, someone donate to my giddysoso project to fund my new equipment purchase-- I mean "talent compensation and festival fees". ;)
I think you have passion, thats what I look to work with, people with a good heart and passion.

People who judge to much dont understand the concept of art (thats why some get left behind and otheres dont)

They are like the people who said the beatles would become nothing.

who are they or anyone to judge art

You just work with who you like, and who you think art is good, just give it all a go I say.
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Never give up. Do what you can. Make what you like. Cut your losses. Play to your strengths. Try your best. Aim high. Be realistic. Stay positive. Give it your all. Have fun.

Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah... don't take any wooden nickels or eat the yellow snow. :eek:
I would rather have honest, and objective criticism, over an " 'at a boy", any day. If you think something I did sucks: Tell me you think it sucks. Then tell me why.
I would rather have honest, and objective criticism, over an " 'at a boy", any day. If you think something I did sucks: Tell me you think it sucks. Then tell me why.

You would have loved my folks. Anything you do they would tell you it sucks. They just didn't know better. Also, after taking psychology in college, I know they did it out of an inferiority complex. People knock down others to make themselves feel bigger. The fact remains, people need encouragement and hope to try again. An "At a boy" goes a whole lot further.

If you want to learn to make better films, hire pros and work with them. That goes further and is a better learning experience.
One of the most discouraging commeents I've heard came from a member on this board when he heard I had IC2 in preproduction when he posted, "You are making another production after making something like that? Why don't you fund my project instead?"

An insult like that does not even deserve a reply.

Here again, an "At a boy" would have been a welcome encouragement instead of the cold slap in the face my folks were infamous for.

We should all encourage each other to give it another try and don't give up.

Anyone who has seen clips of IC2 will tell you it is a big improvement over I, Creator.
I encourage you to keep pounding away at your work and never give up.
Keep at it, Mike.

What's next up on the docket for IC2, anyways?
Thanks you, Rayw.

The next step is we will reshoot a fight scene and get pickup footage and ADR between April and May this year.

Also, we need a 3D Animator, Matt Painter, and Film Composer.

I got an offer from someone here to do the sound mix.

The matt painter and 3D animator need to have a more photo realistic, but similar style to my sci-fi illustrator, Dale.

I am uploading video clips around my 500 Meg a week allowance with vimeo to show the cast and others what we need to do to get to the finish line.

FWIW, I play an admittedly stupid game with myself or my conscious or the voice of sound reasoning or whathaveyou.
I've watched prison films like THE GREAT ESCAPE, PAPILLON, ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ, and THE SHAWSHANK REDMPTION and think of these stories as "What would I do to escape? How far would I go? How long would I work? How carefully I would plan? How patient and resilient would I be"?

If I were Danny, and I hated closed spaces, how far would I dig to breath free air?

How much bullsh!t can I endure?
Thanks Rayw.

I used myself as an example, but what has happened to other members isn't cool.

Another member on this board was very childish and was posting negative comments, not here, but on the posting members YouTube video where it was all public.

Things like this the members who want to be big critics need to take the criticism on and NOT post on YouTube about another IndieTalk member's video.
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Well, say a little prayer for them and maybe lightning bolts will come down from heaven and fry their ugly asss...phalt driveways, and then maybe they'll be magically nice.
What goes around comes around, circle of life, karma and all that.

AVATAR made two bazillion dollars.
Beats the sh!t outtta me why.
It had plenty of issues that everyone who both hated and loved it cited.

Not everyone is gonna dig what you're doing.

If JCameron isn't going to cry over everyone that didn't blow a wad in their shorts over his latest, then... neither should you.

Burn them in effigy by naming some doomed character after them. :lol:
Dirty deeds...

"Little prayers! Little prayers... !"

Besides, what you're doing is more of a cult film, right?
Those have completely different grading parameters than anything trying to appeal to the greatest common denominator, which is honestly my approach.
Different strokes, different folks. Some people want ketchup. Some want mustard. Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't. Deal. ;)
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Thanks Rayw.

I'm making something unique for cable TV where magic and science fiction come together, as I pointed out to my script consultant.

What makes IC different to Battlestar Galactica?

Both the Humans and Cyborgs will actually meet the gods of the Humans in the story. They are the ancient gods of old. This gives me the ability to bring in characters with names people know.

I will be examing the fact in the series Artemis is older than Greek civilization and comes from a very prehistoric Amazon culture that built the great Temple of Artemis in Turkey that still stands today. Artemis was god to this ancient world. She is even mentioned in the old testimont in the Bible. That is the connection to how Artemis is the Goddess of the Amazons. It predates Greek civilization.
I think we are confusing terms. I don't mind that you think it sucks, IF you have a reason. Then I might disagree or agree with that reason. What you are describing is something totally different. I let people read my writing: Some said it sucked and others loved it and and they've always had their own reasons why. BOTH are criticism and I respect all the opinions I recieve because they told me why. If someone told me it sucked and their reason was "just because", that opinion is totally worthless because I have no information to work from.

Like the guy you describe commenting about your film. It could have been anything. Jealousy, for one, because you have finished your feature and he/she hasn't. You came up with the funds/time, and everything else you needed to to finish it. They haven't. So what they were offering wasnt criticism. It was just negativity.
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