Do we encourage each other enough to keep trying?

I think we are confusing terms. I don't mind that you think it sucks, IF you have a reason. Then I might disagree or agree with that reason. What you are describing is something totally different. I let people read my writing: Some said it sucked and others loved it and and they've always had their own reasons why. BOTH are criticism and I respect all the opinions I recieve because they told me why. If someone told me it sucked and their reason was "just because", that opinion is totally worthless because I have no information to work from.

Like the guy you describe commenting about your film. It could have been anything. Jealousy, for one, because you have finished your feature and he/she hasn't. You came up with the funds/time, and everything else you needed to to finish it. They haven't. So what they were offering wasnt criticism. It was just negativity.

No, I'm right on target. I can tell you, all day and night, "You're gonna get better man. Everything is going to be alright." But how does that help you?? However, if I can give you some constructive criticism (if that is what's needed) wouldn't that let you know HOW to get better. Now if it is something uncontrolable like the weather, then yea, you might need an ataboy. :)
A high school friend in my art major classes was one of the most talented artists I've ever seen where I dare say he SHOULD be right up there now with Frazetta, Boris, Roweina, and Luis Royo.

Thanks to his parents and mine, we were both forced out of art. He has a boring life as an accountant. His amazing paintings got lost in a fire.

Any artist needs encouragement not to give up. Encouragement is as important as hope and heroes. Without it, people will give up.
Murdock -
I'd agree with you in general principle, however sometimes it's appropriate to tailor the response to the individual at hand.
Seriously, some people need carrot. And surprisingly, some need stick.
Some people like stick.
They can't get enough stick.
And they like bindings, too!
And if you strap 'em down and punish them they like it even more.
And then there's penetrations and defilement and...

Give 'em what they want.
If you got it to give 'em.

Mike likes carrot.
He don't strike me as much of a "stick" sorta guy.

Here you go, Mike!
No, I'm right on target. I can tell you, all day and night, "You're gonna get better man. Everything is going to be alright." But how does that help you?? However, if I can give you some constructive criticism (if that is what's needed) wouldn't that let you know HOW to get better. Now if it is something uncontrolable like the weather, then yea, you might need an ataboy. :)

I can see, you are off in your own world.

Since you don't know good from bad, hire a pro to be your eyes.

When I need to make sure my script is up to snuff, I send it to a script consultant who helps writers prep scripts for the studios. I get one on one feedback specific to my market and my script.

Since there are too many variables to lighting scenes for a production, I hired a pro DP who also worked out all of the best camera angles and has all of his own equipment. Since he freelances between 3 TV networks, his lighting, camera work, and equipment is up to their standards.

That's how you get the eyes you need to know right from wrong.

Henry Ford was an inventor and not a businessman. But, as he said, he didn't need business smarts when he could hire experts to take care of the business for him. He didn't go on the Internet posting questions about how to run an auto industry. He hired people to be his eyes in the business world.
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I believe the children are our future. Teach them well, and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess, inside. Give them a sense of pride. :D

Don't forget that the person who tells you your fly is down is usually the person closest to you.
With all of the negativity in the industry, do we encourage each other enough to keep going and not let set backs, a bad day, a bad production, professional jjealousy, and discouraging family members make us want to quit?

In today's economy too, we face tougher times looking for both funding and jobs.

That is probably why so much media is devoted to heroes and hope. We need it as a survival mechinism.

Here is your original post. Let me see if I understand:

1. There is always limited resources in film making.
2. There is always an over saturation of people wanting these resources.
3. We are in a bad economy, which makes those resources even more limited.
4. You want us to encourage the other people who want some of those resources for which we are competing?

Am I understanding you properly? And this goes for self funding as well because very movie that is released is competing with all the other movies out there, no matter how slight or great you may perceive the competition to be.

I guess I can relate this to my military exp. I was in a Special Operations unit. I had to go through a selection proccess to enter this unit. My particular selection class started with 245 guys. 35 of us made it. Do you seriously think I was cheering for the guy next to me to "keep going" "you can make". Hell no, I would look them in the face and say,"Man, you look tired." :)That doesn't mean I didn't like them as a person. We would go out for beers on the weekend, until they were dropped. :) But I understood I was in a competition with them.

This is how I see your situation. You aren't a hobbyist. You are making your film to try and sell, right? Then that puts you in competition with everyone else out there trying to sell their film. I, personally am not trying to sell a film, so I say to you,"Keep your head up. You can do it." But why would you expect everyone else to do that? That to me says you are on your own world.
Here is your original post. Let me see if I understand:

1. There is always limited resources in film making.
2. There is always an over saturation of people wanting these resources.
3. We are in a bad economy, which makes those resources even more limited.
4. You want us to encourage the other people who want some of those resources for which we are competing?

Am I understanding you properly? And this goes for self funding as well because very movie that is released is competing with all the other movies out there, no matter how slight or great you may perceive the competition to be.

I guess I can relate this to my military exp. I was in a Special Operations unit. I had to go through a selection proccess to enter this unit. My particular selection class started with 245 guys. 35 of us made it. Do you seriously think I was cheering for the guy next to me to "keep going" "you can make". Hell no, I would look them in the face and say,"Man, you look tired." :)That doesn't mean I didn't like them as a person. We would go out for beers on the weekend, until they were dropped. :) But I understood I was in a competition with them.

This is how I see your situation. You aren't a hobbyist. You are making your film to try and sell, right? Then that puts you in competition with everyone else out there trying to sell their film. I, personally am not trying to sell a film, so I say to you,"Keep your head up. You can do it." But why would you expect everyone else to do that? That to me says you are on your own world.

Which is why stories of hope and heroes have dominated our lives all of our lives.

Some people need religion to carry them through. Others like stories about a god among men that people look up to.

The "At a boy" is very necessary to the artist. Artists are generally thin skinned as experts have pointed out in many meeting and conventions I have attended. They need to be thin skinned to be sensitive to the world around them to give us a glimpse into the world from an artistic angle the common people are blind to see.
Keep your head up man. You can do it. And fuck the assholes that tell you otherwise.

Thanks buddy.

My Special Forces advisor apparently lost his sensitivity for being an artist and a filmmaker thanks to his Special Forces training by the US Army.

You know, the producers and director of the original The Day The Earth Stood Still attended the public execution of a convicted murderer to get the right sensitivity for the value of Human life before they started shooting the movie?

Food for thought.
To show you all how far an "At a boy" can go to help an artist achieve success, a third classmate in my art major high school classes always got support at home to be an artist by his folks. He is today the Editor-In-Chief of Marvel Comics and one of their most stellar illustrators for years before his promotion. However, years later, Joe acts like he doesn't know any of his ex-classmates.
However, years later, Joe acts like he doesn't know any of his ex-classmates.

He probably doesn't. I'm just a lowly bartender, and I don't remember any more than a handful, or two, of people I went to high school with. That's cuz I'm old. And a lot of stuff has happened, since then. Do you know how many times I look at some of my facebook friends, and think, "who the hell are you?"