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watch 3D Spaceship for Super AI Design

Need feedback, and hopefully useful suggestions that are doable, on how my design of a future tech of a cyborg spaceship designed by super AI would look. My idea is based on doing something that looks aas different as Vorlon ships on B5 looked from the much younger alien races on B5. I went away from a ship made of metal to a ship of unknown glowing material.

My impressions are a ship with an organic crystal exterior that uses all of the electromagnetic waves and energy in the universe for travel rather than old-school propellsion. The crystals are not only a magnet for EMW, but a core processing unit to control them as well.

My ideas is an energy ship on the outside with a propellsion system like no other with a mother ship design. This is what I came up with:

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For a propellant-less ship the 4 cilinders look very much like jet propulsion. :P

This is a bit of deja-vu: you have a lot of technical backstory here: does it play a significant role in the actual story (as in: does it get mentioned without being on the nose exposition that sounds unnatural)?
Without the whole crytal story it just looks like very primitive 3D with terrible texture and no shading, but is does have the shape of a space ship, which is important.
With the story it still looks unreal and that is due to color, texture and shading, yet it still looks like a 'conventional' spaceship.
(The ship looks a bit like it is sugar coated, but this reply is not. Sorry.)

You mention the Vorlon vessels, which look more like a squid than a Starfleet ship.
You have come up with a story about a technology and try to stick it to a design which could still be Starfleet.
So I think you need to figure out what matters more: the AI-designed-story about crystals or a believable spaceship. In both cases the shape is less important than texture and shading.
Not it feels like you have this crystal story as an excuse for a too fake looking spaceship.
As if when someone tells you: 'the ship looks fake and glowing.' you can say: "Yeah, that is because it is AI designed and make with crustals to use the universes energy instead of a propellant."
While the whole thing with movies is that you don't want to start such discussions, because they kill the suspension of disbelieve.

In short:
the design does not look as alien as the Vorlon, but that is not the real issue here: the real issue is texture and shading.
Okay. Back to the drawing board. I do want it looking something beyond human technology. So, I will try again in a few weeks. My plate is full now for the foreseeable future with my day job.

I am scrapping this whole ship design and starting over with something more like a ship with crystals with no old school propulsion.

Thank you, WalterB. You gave me what I was looking for. The design does not work. I will focus on a crystal technology spaceship for the next version.
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I found a crystal spaceship model on Turbosuid. It's actually an emerald ship. I will have to try to work with it after I get my taxes done. I've spent the last two days preparing where it usually taxes me five. Time is something I don't have. It may take a few months to make another attempt to make a ship animation. Here's what the new ship is supposed to look like.

What I said I meant about the way a super AI ship should look and be designed. I won't give up until I have what I want. The old ship looked better. But, if it can't look crystal, it has to go.

Wow! I bought the model after getting my income taxes done today just to find out neither HitFilm nor Blender want to import the textures to this model to give it the emerald jewel effect nor the skin of the ship. Well, I will keep looking for another crystal spaceship that will work.
I think I have a solution to the spaceship problem from EBay. I can detail this model anyway I want, paint the stand greenscreen, shoot it in front of a greenscreen in my own apartment, and animate it with editing software. I can get my own crystals from an art supply or novelty store and buy green paint that matches my greenscreen. Won't shoot it with wires again, unless they are painted greenscreen, although I learned from the last wire spaceship shoot, the model bounces and jerks around way too much too often.

Did you research why the textures aren't loaded automaticly?
And more importantly: whether you can assign them by hand or that you need to convert the textures first?
(.tga is not supported in Hitfilm, what files does it accept as texture? .pgn? .jpg? .bmp?)

I think you need to look into this issue, before spending much more money on a wooden model which is represented with an ugly 3D render on ebay.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like the look of that render. It's simple and effective.

I just got Daz 3D last night and will give it a try with the existing model first to texture and animate the model. The format of the render files might indeed be the problem.

The physical spaceship model is my backup plan because 3D crystal spaceships are very rare and hard to find. So, I will convert the EBay model into one, if none of the software packages can import the textures.
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.......

My remark is not about beauty (although it does indeed look primitive to today's standards), but more meant as a caveat emptor: from such a 3D render is is impossible to say how the wooden version would really look like. So, there might be a change that you'll buy just another more expensive 'wow, i just bought a spaceship and this is wrong with it', while there might have been a solution for the cheaper option.

And yes, I am certain the textures don't load because of fileformat mismatch.
Rule of thumb, the "cheap and less expensive" models are priced lower because they are of well-known sci-fi movies and TV series. The more expensive models are original and not mass produced such as a "Millennium Falcon" from "Star Wars."
Rule of thumb, the "cheap and less expensive" models are priced lower because they are of well-known sci-fi movies and TV series. The more expensive models are original and not mass produced such as a "Millennium Falcon" from "Star Wars."


I am reffering to trying to make the $9 3D model work, before jumping hasingly into buying a $300+ wooden model.

I am reffering to trying to make the $9 3D model work, before jumping hasingly into buying a $300+ wooden model.

That's the plan. The $300 wooden model is the backup plan if the 3D model with the 3D texture import problem can't be resolved. I try as often as possible to work with a backup plan in case the original plan leads to a dead end.
However, I was reading on HitFilm's tech support section of their website that free and very inexpensive 3D models don't look as advertised and some do have texture issues. So, a backup plan is worth planing.
The idea of scale was why I chose those options. On a full scale ship you'd probably not see any. Like space shuttle tiles, the shuttle looks white. And on a real craft the crystals may even be crushed so it has a sandpaper look up close. I'd think with one of those options you'd get the sparkle you need with the slight texture. But using actual crystals from a craft store glued on seems odd.
In other words, don't Bedazzle it :lol:


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