Nate North
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  • I'd like to second that, you are truly an inspiration in your own unique style.

    It's like a Highway To Nowhere where the save points are a pause to Introspection, and then openly driving all of us towards your amazing journey.
    obviously, It'll be A Highway to Somewhere, Someday but the magic of it will be to never find completion...
    Nate North
    Nate North
    Hello Iren, and thanks for your kind words, I certainly appreciate your taking the time to watch my demo clips.
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    Reactions: Iren
    Hi Nate,

    Hope you are well. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but was it you who offered to give me advice a while ago on a thread I posted - haven’t been able to find - about selling a screenplay?

    If so, I have a question, if you wouldn’t mind.


    Nate North
    Nate North
    I'm not sure, I answer a lot of questions for people. Without knowing the name of the thread I couldn't say if it was me or not. What is your question though? I'll help if I can.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Iren
    interested in joining an open project? Connect with us on Discord, and type in a huge font to draw attention to yourself, lol.
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    Reactions: Iren and mlesemann
    Nate North
    Nate North
    In addition, I'm beginning to suspect that you personally are responsible for the global uptick in Dan Levy gifs.
    David Rose Comedy GIF by Schitt's Creek
    Nate North
    Nate North
    now that feels like an outright confirmation
    Looking forward to the new promo! When will it be out?
    Nate North
    Nate North
    Hopefully pretty soon, we're working on several things simultaneously, like always. We've been prepping spreadsheets and other business documents to try and launch a blockchain ICO, so that's stolen focus from the ad for a moment.
    No rush, Nate. DOWN is as an attachment in PDF under my last forum thread at Screenwriting. Feel free to download and read when you have the time. I'll be putting DOWN at Screamfest's 2011 competiition later this week or next... have a great week.
    Was going to upload DOWN on IndieTalk this morning. Not sure how to do PDF file. Watch IN A VACANT BUILDING or THE HAUNTED MOVIE? Now you know why I concentrate just on writing. Let me know what you thought? And to think I almost uploaded DOWN and THE POWER OF NIGHTMARES (SOUND's SEQUEL) onto Amazon Studios...
    Hey Nate,
    I'd absolutely LOVE to use the idea you presented in the thread, about Indiana Phones, and I've LOVE to use that hilarious little dialogue you wrote out. Can I credit you for writing?
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