X-Men: Days of Future Past...Drool

Oh yes, Bryan Singer is back, and it looks like he heard my prayer for a sentinels X-men movie!


Collider: X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Viral Video Celebrates 50 Years of Trask Industries; Viral Site Offers Bolivar Trask Bio, Timeline, and Sentinel Info

Collider: Bryan Singer Talks X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Timeline and Locations; Describes the Film as an “Inbetwequel” [UPDATED with New Set Photo]


Looks like they've taken a page from the Prometheus people's playbook, you know, the TED Talk and all that. That's smart. And cool.


I'm pleased to see Peter Dinklage is in it. He's so good in Game of Thrones. Steals the show, really.


Oh my god. "I'm looking for a husband. It's great to meet you, Michael." :lol:

Anyways. You can't always get what you want. But sometimes...you get what you need. =)
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I'm very interested in seeing . it'll be interesting to see where they go from this movie. whether they stick with the first class crew or go back to the original modern day xmen. All I ask for is an appears of some sorts from gambit. haha
From what I understand, it sounds like they're tying the first film trilogy back to First Class. Spoilers, for those who don't want to be spoiled:

From what I read, it opens with Wolveriene and the Professor in the original film timeline. Psychic projection into the future, where we see post-apocalyptic ruins with Sentinels and Bishop. Some sort of time-travel happens and they go back to First Class era to prevent the future. Which really isn't too far from the way the Days of Future Past comic worked, so it's nice that they're not just borrowing the name.
As for Singer being back, that's cool, but I loved Vaughn at the helm of First Class. I see he's still on board as a producer so that's good. I'm right there with you, welsh_gambit...Gambit is easily my favorite character and he's only had a small part in Origins: Wolverine (which made me very happy). Related note: I'd really like to see the Deadpool film happen. And Reynolds did a great job as Wade Wilson, so the film could be great, so long as they a) forget about the "deadpool" in Origins and b) remember that Deadpool is more about weird humor than about ultra-violence, which is why I've stopped reading the comics. But that first run is great stuff! Actually, what I REALLY want to see is a Squirrel Girl/Great Lakes Avengers movie, but I'm pretty sure I'm absolutely alone on that one.

Yeah. I'm excited too. :D
So sounds like the trailer comes out today? Hey man, it's today, already...where is it?! =)

But there's a teaser.


He's so right. It's so cool.

This is sort of fun, though a little too uncharitable towards Halle Berry. Really, she'd probably shine more if she was given a bigger part to play. But there's only so much time to mete out in these films. And why not an "old" Chris Claremont cameo, like they give Stan Lee? Anyway.
Link isn't working, welshy. =(

Hmmmmmm. Interesting choices made. They went for the more subdued, dramatic feel, rather than showing spectacular action, which I'm sure it also has. Was that a good choice?

What ya think?

I think it's nice. Going for the heart. Not giving a lot or too much away. That's a good thing. I guess this is one of those properties with which they know they have that established fan base, so maybe that gives them the elbow room to be more subtle.
I'm glad this next entry appears to be Wolverine-centric. I recently re-watched X2; I forgot how good that movie is. So I'm also glad that Brian Singer is at the helm, and I really like the whole concept of the story.

I read today that the they're still working on most of their effects shots, so they just weren't ready for a more action-y trailer, hence the dramatic tone of this one. Regardless, I like it!

This is DEFINITELY on my short-list of most highly anticipated movies for next year. CAN'T WAIT!!! :)

Put the YT tags around the "pK2zYHWDZKo" of the link and disregard the rest.


I wasn't paying much attention to this thread, but I just watched that trailer. Holy cow, this looks great! I really like Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy as the young Magneto and Professor from X-MEN: FIRST CLASS. Took me awhile to recognize McAvoy!

I just watched Hugh Jackman, in PRISONERS. This guy (happy go lucky, singer/dancer) is just incredible to me. He does "serious and mean" really well.

My only regret is that composer Henry Jackman (no relation to Hugh, I believe!) is not coming back, after scoring FIRST CLASS. One of the best soundtracks, ever.

And how about these trailers that use John (28 DAYS LATER) Murphy's music from SUNSHINE. That song is used in everything, from the movie KICK-ASS to THE WALKING DEAD show. I hope Murphy is getting rich!
I also like the subtle dramatic trailer rather than the big action trailer. It's different (and we all know there will be lots of action). Shame there were no Sentinels in the trailer, but from the other stuff, they look awesome.

I'm not so crazy about it being Wolverine-centric, but I understand. Popular character and all, and focusing on Bishop (as they should with this story...he's the time traveller!) as a brand-new character might not be the best movie, marketing-wise. But I'm decades past burnt out on Wolvie. Jackman is great in the role though, and since apparently Glenn Danzig can't act, I can't think of anyone better!

Superficial disappointment: no mohawk for Storm :(

I'm also sort of wishing that there was another film in the First Class timeline before this happened. Flesh it out a little more and THEN tie everything in together. But I'm sure that comes from being a comic book fan, and am used to stories playing out for years, so not necessarily a problem with the film.

It is nice to have Singer back on board, though I think Vaughn did a great job with First Class. I liked it better than the original trilogy, but comic book movies have come a long way in general since the first X-Men hit.

Anyway, nitpicking aside, I'm very much much looking forward to this!
Put the YT tags around the "pK2zYHWDZKo" of the link and disregard the rest.


thanks man.

It'll be interesting to see where they go after the film. Will they stick with first class, return to present or use this film as a way to reboot the series

I don't know. I hope it's going to be good (great). And you're so right about John Murphy's music. It's really missed in this new trailer. Although what's the score from in Trailer 2? It's pretty good too.

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I don't know. I hope it's going to be good (great). And you're so right about John Murphy's music. It's really missed in this new trailer. Although what's the score from in Trailer 2? It's pretty good too.


That Frankenbiting with Wolverine really took me out of it for trailer 3
Not a 3D fan, but I saw X-MEN: DOFP in 2D and loved the movie! It is full of great sequences and the cast is steller. Yes, Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart are getting older, but they are still good and their younger counterparts, McAvoy and Fassbender are even better. Wolverine is himself - good as always. Jennifer Lawrence does a nice job as Raven/Mystique and has a huge role in this story.

There's also an amazing - just amazing and hilarious - scene with the Quicksilver character. Anyway, this is my fave movie of the year, so far.
I just saw it. WOW, great story, neat special effects for mutants like Quicksilver and Blink. Good comedy too especially with Quicksilver. And amazingly, a little twist/finishing of details at the end. Probably the best X-Men movie (FINALLY!)
I liked it a lot too. I have to see it again. Or let it sit for a while before I can decide where in the pantheon of superhero films it stands. But it's an A for me too.

I can't help comparing it to The Avengers. I think I have to admit that The Avengers might have been more entertaining...or entertainy (heh). It had more action, more spectacle, and more comedy relief (It was helmed by Joss Whedon, after all.).

But X4 is more satisfying drama-wise and story-wise than The Avengers, while the third act of the latter felt largely empty, hollow by comparison. What saves the ending of The Avengers from that hollowness is
primarily Tony Stark's heroic self-sacrifice
. And the X-men have long been my favorite superheroes and storyline.

I hate to say something like this because it seems to minimize the current film. But I don't think it beats X2 for me. But it's right up there with it. And I might later change my mind, perhaps after I've watched them both again. In any case, it's a worthy sequel. =)

And I have to say that the actors all seem to have hit their strides playing these characters. Or the editors have done a good job making them look good at it. Can't help singling out Fassbender's Magneto in particular. Me likes. Would a stand-alone movie work for him? Well, they don't normally do that with villains. But they're all really good.