Who's got DISTRIBUTION questions?

I am going to interview an indie film distributor who has been in the business for many years. I'm looking for questions to ask him.

Is there anything you're burning to know about indie film distribution?
1)Apart from Sundance, Toronto, SXSW, Tribeca, NYFF,Cannes,Venice,Berlin, which other film festival's do distributor's scout for indie movies?

2)What are they looking for, in a movie without stars?
Q : As an indie distributor, how are they going to tackle the self distribution streaming method that's going to become more common?

Q : What genres are easiest to sell? (especially without names)

Q : What's their success formula?
This question might be a bit anal, so I'll understand if you don't want to ask it:

I'm used to the standard audio specifications for film distribution on 35mm film (Dolby 5.1 mix, an M&E mix, an LtRt mix and sometimes individual Dialogue, Music and Effects stems) but I presume for lower (low/micro) budget indie film distribution the delivery requirements are lower? What would his audio delivery requirements be?

Thanks, G
Always good to ask about all "deliverables". All the distributors I have every worked
with find indie filmmakers have this wall to climb. Very few know before they even
shoot exactly what deliverables are want exactly what is needed.
What are the top three reasons your company declines distribution of indie features?

What's the accept/deny ratio of indie feature submissions? 1/200? 1/500?

Before indie filmmakers even think about approaching your company for distribution what should they know?

What three things do you wish indie filmmakers would get through their thick heads even before filmming - with the intent of coming to your distro. Co.?

What differentiates your distribution model from other competing models? Advantages?

Have you entered into any production-for-distribution projects?
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1) What are the chances of a short film being distributed? And what do they look for in a short film? Which festivals do they normally look for shorts?

Looking forward to the interview! Will be posting more questions if something pops up.
After they have accepted a film for distribution, what are some of the best things a filmmaker can do, promotion-wise, to get people to actually watch the film.
Hey - Spoke to the guy this week. Got a good bunch of questions from here and my facebook account (same user name, if anybody's wondering).

My homework this very night is to put them together into something coherent and fire them off to him. Depending on his timeliness in responding, I expect to get the post up later this week.
