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watch WhoreHouse

It's looking good. I can't offer any technical comments on the color or sound, but as a viewer I liked the sound, but the ambient sounds of the city might be a little more satisfying I'm thinking with just a touch of tweaking. Like, I only screened it once, but was there the roar of an engine that rather suddenly, unusually stopped, as though it cut out? Nice work.

Lots to go over on sound.

Footsteps and a lighter snap is missing in the beginning.

Foley sitting down is missing.

It sounds like a stock ambience from a library or something you recorded on the day and I hear people talking in the background and it's got some abrupt cuts between ambiences and volume drops.

For something like this I'd smooth it out and create one ambience track no matter if the angles change or cut between. It's an intro. I'd add sounds which communicate what you want - I don't know what the story is about or anything but put in either a happy ambience (birds, cute horn beeps from the traffic below, maybe a nice song in the background) or a dark ambience (people yelling at each other down the hall, etc. etc.). I'd also add in the details of the makeup and the shirt rustles, etc. etc. etc.
Looks beautiful.

I like your camera work, set and coloring.

The audio, while excellent and nice, does jump around a bit distractingly with the cutouts and ins, as already mentioned.

Also, as an editing thing, it's a wee long for an intro.

Otherwise, it looks very interesting to see where you're going to go with it.

I'm going to go ahead and assume that you do not have permission to use Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi". Morally, I personally don't have any qualms with copyright infringment; none whatsoever. But legally, depending on what you want to do with this, that could be a problem.