movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

War Horse is just dreadful. When I compare that to Saving Private Ryan I really can't get my head around what he was trying to do. Everything from the colour palate to the acting is so cartoonish.
Boogie Nights- 9/10
Filmmaking at its most powerful, most brilliant and most original. One of the best films of the 90's. In my opinion it's on par with GoodFellas in its amazing energy and spirit.
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Heatstroke - 2/10
WTF did they spend $2.5mil on?
D.B. Sweeney and Danica McKellar. OMFG. Actors will do anything for a paycheck.
How embarrassing.

The Number 23 - 5/10
Meh... it's alright.
It's always nice to see an actor step outside of their pigeon hole; still difficult not to see Carrey being sliiiightly goofy and wondering how this plays into the character. It doesn't.
But he doesn't "own" the character. Pretty much any actor could have played it and it would be no better ot worse, only different, making this probably a slam against the writer (all things considered. ;))
WTF did they spend $30mil on I wonder?

The Midnight Meat Train - 5/10
Hey, only $15mil budget for this!
Umm... it's kinda goofy at the end, but shot very well.
Leslie Bibb's cute. :huh:

Dead Birds - 3/20
Shot well, but it borders on just being retarded. Bad guys trapped in a old house die one by one. Oooooooo! :rolleyes:
It looks like a $1.5mil film.

Okay, I've about had my fill of horror films.
I'm giving it a rest for awhile.
You basically got your body horror, your spooks, your psychos, and your creature features.
Put a fork in me. I'm done.

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Chronicle - 5/10
First 2/3 is fair, but the whole story just kinda unravels at the end in "less than intended" tragedy.
Nice SFX for the budget.

The Fourth Kind - 3/10
Just... retarded.
If you're going to scare me at least try to. Don't suggest a scare. Pfft.

After the Wedding - 7/10
I don't do drama. At all. Yet I found this to be an engaging story.
This would join my list of films with relatively simple camera shots that I think would make for good examples of showing a story without fancy steadycams, jibs, cranes, helicopter shots with tons of SFX:
A Mighty Heart, The Messenger, 50/50, The Guard.

Prometheus - 7/10
This is a beautifully shot film, (thoroughly appreciated in "olde fashioned" 2D) .
The productions standards for set design and special effects are outstanding.
The story, however, was written for idiots.
Who the f**k flies across the galaxy, doesn't map out the planet before picking an arbitrary landing site, doesn't survey their needle in a haystack site find before landing, throws together a dysfunctional ad hoc crew with zero respect for a non-existant chain of command, has geologists that can't find their way out of a labrynthine tunnel system with his own mapping system, biologists that try to make friends with three-foot alien planarians, why does no one have any concept of biological contamination on an alien planet just because the air has breathable levels of gas mixes (KEEP YOU G.D. HELMETS ON!), why does Vickers have a medpod thingie set up for only males in her private escape pod, in fact, WHY is Vickers even in the story?
Otherwise, it's a thoroughly enjoyable scifi horror thriller adventure flick. :)
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Huntsmen 5/10 C: visuals nice, story/acting blah
Dark Knight 10 A+: watched part of it 2nt on cable; I think it's time to Netflix it
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I've just watched the entire Star Trek movie series, and here are my ratings:

The Motion Picture: 4/10
The Wrath of Khan: 8.7/10
The Search for Spock: 6/10
The Voyage Home: 6.9/10
The Final Frontier: 3/10
The Undiscovered Country: 9/10

Generations: 6.7/10
First Contact: 8.5/10
Insurrection: 6/10
Nemesis: 2/10

Star Trek (Reboot): 8.8/10
I've heard half and half.

But these days people hate Adam Sandler because it's "cool" I'll admit the terrible nature of Just Go With It and Jack and Jill (although, most people thought J&J was worse... I think its the other way around)

But he honestly made the biggest comeback he'll ever make with That's My Boy. Avoid it if you don't like things like South Park.

(and remember: The critics hate most comedies, so don't let them affect you.)
Septien - 7/10 - very quirky and dark. Not as comedic as I initially thought it was going to be but it had these moments that I liked. Some parts were over the top, but still didn't take away (too much) from the entire film.
Batman Begins--

It has solid storyline, dialog and acting. But its action scenes annoy me; I like being able to watch them.

Nolan was on his way there, and a few years later he got it ALL right with The Dark Knight.

