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call-for-entries What makes a cinematic experience so special?

Solid work. I think it's an effective ad. Your visual look is spot on, audio, everything.

Thanks. I threw this in while doing some documentary work.

I'm very passionate about the theatrical style experience and want to see it preserved. It's hurting at movie theaters these days.
I run the film festival now and definitely want to increase the quality of the screenings.
I met some people that you might be interested in talking to. They are also working towards preserving the theatrical experience, and creating inroads for indie filmmakers to have theatrical releases on top of that. They are called Nominee Ticketing, a startup with an app that is conducive to these goals.
I met some people that you might be interested in talking to. They are also working towards preserving the theatrical experience, and creating inroads for indie filmmakers to have theatrical releases on top of that. They are called Nominee Ticketing, a startup with an app that is conducive to these goals.
Would love to talk to them!