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watch what don't you like?

Hi, Kaz

It's kinda difficult to provide an opinion on the film when given a trailer.

However, from the trailer provided this looks "interesting".

It has a greenscreen style similar to AIDEN 5. http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=18882

I'm not so sure about the flipping back and forth though between the green screen and live action, though.
When the camera gets off the tripod the shaky-cam gets pretty bad, and the general transition isn't shucking and jiving, either - unless the story is about reality vs. dream/unreality.

My concern is that the FX will be the biggest draw. The actual story (95 minutes of it) will have to OUT-compete the FX.
Once your audience gets suckered in, conceptually assimilates the FX, how long will they stay around for the story?
I dunno.
But I see many stories that are killed by technical issues before they're even killed on story-lameness.
I think you might get by the technical issues, so now the concern is on the story which... could cut either way.

And the music is pretty epic sounding, too.
Gotta deliver more than promised in the trailer.

This also reminds me of THE GENE GENERATION, which I didn't care for enough to complete.

The noir stuff is cool and has a great niche following which means they really know their stuff and will nail you on subtleties I haven't the slightest idea about (it ain't my bag).

GL all the same!
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Looks interesting Kaz, the thing that stuck out for me was the mix of noir and supernatural. It feels like it starts of as a detective movie and turns into a monster movie, which is okay. However, I felt after watching the trailer the theme was a bit mixed and I'm not really sure what kind of movie it is. I would experiment with a "less is more" trailer. Perhaps showing less and focusing on one theme of the movie. I think less cutting between all the different visual styles and (this sounds boring to say) maybe just sticking to one visual style and theme giving it one "Genre"
That's just my taste. I'm sure others will disagree. Best of luck.
Jea that works....maiby becouse I am in Europa.

Trailer looks intresting.

The shots 0:40 til 1:00 look promising. But the rest looks to darm cheap. Wy dont jou combine Fotoshopt ellements from buildings into joure movie? It wil fit better....Raul sinier is realy good at this kind of stuf.
I stopped at 1:00. A bit too long for a trailer that isn't a major motion picture IMO. The actor's name/title thing looked tacky. Speed up the pace and shorten it. There are good elements in there but a great trailer takes time to get right.

Good luck.
Hey, Kaz. Looks elaborate. Congrats on putting it together. I agree with the person who said a "less is more" approach may be better. There are two different cuts of the overhead shot of the city. Just one would work. Maybe focus on showing only a few key FX shots. That way, people who like FX will be interested, and people who dislike FX won't be turned off. I also agree with the person who said the titles look cheap. I don't think we need to see "Actor's Name as Character", because we don't know the actors, or the characters. I don't think we need "The Good Guy" or "The Bad Guy", either. I'm normally not the biggest fan of CGI or green screen, but I know it has become a commonly used tool for independent filmmakers. Alex Cox, director of one of my favorite movies, Repo Man, shot a sequel called Repo Chick entirely in front of a green screen. Good luck with Payback Jack.