Warning about Media Partners/Reelbrokers

David, this was never going to court. It was a warning shot across their bows to let them know that they were acting badly. If bad people are left unchallenged everyone suffers.

The Dali Llama says this: Like and dislike, gain and loss, praise and blame, fame and disgrace, these are the eight mundane concerns that condition our existence.

He's a very wise guy and he has a real point, pursuit of any of the above is in essense a waste of energy. This is particularly true in our industry that is driven by extreme versions of each.
Funny how filmmaking is mostly examining these mundane concerns. I guess the trick is to make the mundane transcendant for ninety plus minutes. Plus popcorn.

Oops, I seem to have unraveled the thread....
A Shonky List protects the naive, the vulnerable, and the weak.

Shonky's usually run for the hills when threatened with legal action involving squillions of dollars or disembowelment.
A Shonky List protects the naive, the vulnerable, and the weak.

yeah, sounds awful. :rolleyes:

I don't have the time/money to fuck around and learn lessons that have already been taught to my fellow indies, are there any links out there to something like this "shonky" idea you guys are tossing around?
You were asking if anyone else was doing anything like this ... the same day I get pm'd some information that lead me to this this site; a site that monitors and publishes information about all kinds of shonky operators that prey on authors of all kinds


I've not had a chance to look into it, but seems like a good resource.