Virtual Effects Artist needs work

Hey there forum,

As the topic says, I am looking for a team or just a couple of people that are making a movie and want some help with virtual effects.
I don't have any example at this moment since I have restored all data on my computer recently. Let me tell you what I can do here..

I can edit your movies pretty much. I can change the weather from sunny to very dark with rain etc, I can make YOU as a zombie etc if you are planning to make such a movie, I can make Harry Potter-like magic (but it is never cool to copy another movie :P), I can make explosion (like Atom bombs etc), and I can keep going and going.. I hope you understand what such Artist are capable of.

Btw, I am from Denmark and almost 19 years old. I don't like quitting on projects and jump from one to another. I rather stay on ONE team and work from there since it is more nice to know each other and have some friendship too. If you have any questions or something I am missing, then please say so or PM me.

I am new on this forum, and this is my first post so please don't judge me too harsh. Enjoy your time folks and don't stop chasing your dreams! ;)