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update post when there are new tracks or not?


Some times ago I posted on this forum about my Royalty Free Music portfolio that can be used in different projects.

Now I have a question for the users of this forum (as I don't want my posts to be considered as spam)

Do you prefer that I post a new thread when there are new tracks in my portfolio (giving information about it) ?


You prefer that I do not post this kind of information ?

please let me know.

Best regards.
Hi Fegender. There is a third option - just keep updating a single thread with each new announcement.

I'm sure there are many people here that would appreciate having access to more royalty free music. Even if they would normally go elsewhere for it, it doesn't hurt to have as many options as possible.

I also doubt that anyone here would consider your offer as spam. You're not after anything (apart from exposure obviously), and are giving something to the community here, for free. I can't speak for the admin of course, but I for one certainly wouldn't class that as spam just because you're not a regular poster here. :)
yes have a thread that you update whenever there is new music.

you can also go up near the top where it says "Thread Tools" and click Subscribe to Thread. This will give you a notification if anyone posts to the thread. It also makes it easy to find the thread if you want to update it. just go under your user CP