Under The Dome

The book was fairly good. I'm not too optimistic about this TV adaptation. But shouldn't be so ready to disparage it without seeing it. Hope it is good.
It will depend a lot upon the cast, that elusive thing called "chemistry."

Like most Network shows it will probably start off good and then go soap opera....
I'm a big Stephen King fan but am usually disappointed by the movies that come out of the books.
They butchered The Stand and several others but I understand that a lot of sub-plots and back stories can't make it into the movie adaptations. Sometime this leaves a lot of questions if the viewer hasn't read the book.
There was talk of making the Dark Tower series into a movie or mini-series but the last time I checked the website they said it was on hold. http://www.stephenking.com/darktower/index.html
I suppose if I don't have something much nice to say, I shouldn't say anything. Ah well. I finished reading the Dark Tower series not long ago. They were all right, but I didn't love them. I doubt they'd make great movies. Could be wrong. As a mini-series...eh. I think the most interesting way to do that would be for HBO, Showtime, Starz, or some outfit like that to do it as a series. And then they should not be too faithful to the books. I think it could be far better if they went beyond the books, perhaps far beyond them, adding more characters, adding more subplots, etc. I suppose that's about as likely as pigs flying though.