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Tracking Lessons Needed

For some ungodly reason I can't get tracking down. I've been using position mapping terribly ever since I can remember - I just can't figure it out. I really need some help here, like a good, detailed tutorial on tracking.
On a side note, I've upgraded to Adobe Creative Cloud. And didn't realize until earlier this week that After Effects has Cinema 4D Lite included with it. Tracking footage and transferring camera data C4D lite is so easy. Have only played with creating 3D text, and its pretty cool.

Thread high jacking over!
And here's a piece I put together using a 2D track to "steal" handheld camera motion from a shot and applying it to another shot to get more realistic shaky cam effects than the mechanical look of the "Wiggle" command in After Effects.

I used Shake for mine (because that's what I have)... but the concepts are the same.

I am looking to learn how to track in After Effects. I know I can use Mocha and the built in tracker in cs4 but I'm not great at using AE's tracker, and I can not use Mocha's.
It specifically uses a 2D track to grab the motion out of the one clip and apply it to another... so it's almost semi related, just more of what's possible to do with tracking data.

I had seen someone do a decent CG alien invasion, but the hand held motion applied to the frame to make it look hand held gave it all away. This allows you to get a plate shot that is really easy to composite into with fixed masks that don't have changing lens distortion throughout the shot... but then give it that handheld look afterwards in a convincing manner.