Tom Waits "Bad As Me"


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Tom Waits "Bad As Me"

I've listened to this three times since last night now and it just gets better and better… you can listen to the whole album for free on, let me know if you'd like a code! It's released properly on October the 24th.
hook me up! New Tom Waits! That's the first proper album in a while (thought I did love the Orphans compilation)
Awesome and thanks! When I was a regular at an open stage in town, I'd almost always pull out a Tom Waits song. "I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You", "Hang Down Your Head" and "No One Knows I'm Gone" were the three I did the most, though I think at one point or another I've done almost the whole Alice album.

And, of course, leave us not forget Mr. Waits' astounding film career. I mean, I'm predisposed to liking Terry Gilliam films, but Dr. Parnassus was one of my favorite films in years. No small part of that was due to Waits' role.
Time waits for no one. Tom Waits for everyone!


What a dude. Saw him play in Boston years ago. Thanks for the link!

Code please?
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An artist there is every reason in the world I should like, but I just can't take more than a small dose of him. Great lyricist though.

As much as I love him, you are far from alone in that regard. There's a reason that more people have had hits doing covers of his songs than he has ever had.

Of course, if you ever wanted to fix that, forcing yourself through Swordfishtrombones, Rain Dogs and Frank's Wild Years, in their entirety, in sequence will probably do it for you ;)
Finally getting around to listening to it. AWESOME. Pre-ordering album now. I do like this trend of pre-streaming the album. Peter Murphy did it for his last too (not bad, some good songs, but overall pretty formulaic). I think this is a great way to do things, though obviously only counts if you're someone like Tom Waits who people already know before your record comes out!

Oh, and can we retroactively put "Talking At The Same Time" into Twin Peaks? Thanks.