Tips for Rehearsing

So I have a question regarding, in general, on set rehearsals. What are the different kind of rehershals one would use on set (or if there's only one kind just talk about that) and when, as well as how much those types should be rehearsed.

Much thanks!
Ahh okay, that's kinda what I thought. I was thinking that maybe one should rehearse the entire scene with the actors acting, but is that more for when you do multiple takes?
There's lots of different rehearsals. As said, you should all be rehearsed before arriving on set.

Table reads are a good starting point. If you're in the space (or a similar space - e.g. a kitchen can be substituted for any kitchen), I find it's useful to run through the scene without dialogue. This is really really useful for helping your actors understand the scene. They think about how their actions translate to meaning, and can grasp a more complete understanding of the energy and importance of the scene - rather than just memorising lines that may not allow them to fully emotionally connect with the scene. After doing that, do the scene with just dialogue, no action. Then combine the two.
So say I'm shooting the entire film at my house, or any location for that matter, I would want to go through practically the entire script as if we're shooting it, but minus the camera and audio. Did I understand that correctly?
Yeah. You don't want to be messing around too much with actor performances on the day, it's a lot easier if everyone understands what they're doing before they get on set. There'll be enough mucking about when you're trying to block the actors movement, and choreograph the cameraman, boom op, lights, alongside that, that you don't want to be adding extra time you don't have to.
good luck

Plan your rehearsal time well. Have a goal in mind for each session. They need not be long. Even an hour or two with each character, and relationship will give you a great sense of preparedness and you will have begun a rewarding collaboration with your actors.
Don't do rehearsals. Have a conversation with the actors all together to ensure everyone has an idea of what's going on. Clearly, there's blocking but for me, this is more about the shooting setup.

Personally, I prefer to capture whatever happens on set, not to rehearse beforehand or too much when we are there.