The Tree of Life

^ Wouldn't expect to read that on this forum, good luck becoming a respected filmmaker, haha!

Hi Nathan, I'm interested in understanding what you mean. I
don't understand the connection between becoming a respected
filmmaker and liking or not liking a specific movie. I also would
like to know why you would not expect to read that someone
doesn't like a specific movie on this forum.

From my perspective I fully understand why most people would
not like "Tree of Life". I loved it, but is certainly is challenging to
watch. Most people - even filmmakers - do not have the patience
to sit through a film this different from the expected standard.
I suspect if I had not seen it in the theater I may have gotten
bored and turned it off, myself. But sitting in the theater, the
images so much larger than life, kind of forced me to stick it out.
I'm so glad I did because it is in my top three favorite films of 2011.
I'm looking forward to it. I'm not normally very much into movies that are so heavily based on symbolism, etc., but this movie is being talked about so much (particularly by filmmakers), I simply have to see it. I'll keep as open a mind as possible, and based on what Rik wrote above, I'll be sure to throw it up on the projector.
Haven't seen this one yet, but plan to. Maybe a double feature with Midnight in Paris, another film I have yet to see! Missed so many this year.
To my defence I want to say I watcht the new world and also Valhalla Rising....Ind while I watcht the tree of life.....I thought to myself....not again.