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watch The Drawing - Short Comedy Sketch

Hey all,

Just did a fun little side project this weekend. Just wanted to write and shoot something fun. What do you all think? Any feedback is more than welcome :)

I think shaky cam is good when it's mixed in with stable tripod shots.. stable to orient people then shake to add energy.

All shaky is too much.

The male actor reminded me a lot of michael swaim from cracked.

I think shaky cam is good when it's mixed in with stable tripod shots.. stable to orient people then shake to add energy.

All shaky is too much.

The male actor reminded me a lot of michael swaim from cracked.


To each his own, I've seen plenty of films that are almost completely handheld and films that are completely stable and some that are in between. I do think it's largely a personal preference thing.
There's a difference between handheld, tripod, steadicam, and shaky cam. This was shaky cam. Sure, it's technically handheld, but it would just shake WAAY too much at some moments (like if you hired Michael J Fox as your cameraman)

It makes sense in some scenarios, like moments with a lot of action, or to give a mockumentary feel to it.

But in steady scenes like this, I think the shaky camera changes the tone from the intended one. I kept expecting there to be a physical fight at any moment. Like a REAL one, not just the threat of a thrown lollipop.

But that isn't what matters, it was funny, had some good moments, I liked the lighting and setting, and the actors did a good job, especially the girl