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watch "The Bridge" A post apocalyptic short film

Hello everyone my name is Raul A. Urreola a film maker based in San Diego, this is my latest short film called "the bridge" I hope you enjoy it and would appreciate any feed back as I continue to work in this wonderful field.


A post apocalyptic world, Carson a former professional photographer tries to survive in the ruined wilderness of earth, while still trying to hold onto the only thing that keeps her safe from despair and sorrow.
Hello Raul, welcome to the site!

I enjoyed the idea behind the short but unfortunately not the execution. After reading your sypnosis I was extremely surprised to see a perfectly clean and manicured girl, wearing clean clothes and showing no type of "survival" side effects after an apocalyptic event.

Now I don't expect her to look as Viggo Mortensen did on the movie "The Road", but there has got to be some type of wear on the clothes and dirt under the fingernails and so forth. If I had seen the video without having read the syspnosis, I would have never guessed what your idea was. There are audio issues, mainly the loudness of the effects and the music, plus the narration seemed read as opposed to "felt". I'm sure others will chime in, so I hope they can give out some other pointers.

Sorry I'm not trying to pick on you, just pointing out what I think could be different.

Thank you for taking the time to watch my short film! I would be a fool not to listen to others opinions and Ideas, and I do believe you make excellent points, this i will keep in mind as I continue to hone my craft. I appreciate your feedback.

Raul A. Urreola
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Hello Raul, do you think you would be able to redo the film? I tell you, I like the idea. It reminds me of "eternal sushine of the spotless mind", meaning how she is trying to hold onto something that was real and a part of her.