The Appeal Of Superhero Films

So I just managed to see Guardians of the Galaxy over this weekend, which I highly recommend, but it got me thinking about why we as a culture adore such superhero films? (if in need of evidence, note the billion + gross of "The Avengers"). Is it because they present a magical place where we wish we could exist? Or is it for just the thrill?
They're a fairly literal translation of the archetypal 'Overcoming the Monster' basic story plot, and always involve archetypal characters of hero or god-man.. Being so close to the archetype they are strong stories, similar to those passed down through history. Thus they tend to resonate on a deep subconscious level.

In short, superheros are modern mythology.
Superhero films with a bunch of special effects and explosions and fighting translate extremely well across different cultures. It's heavily influenced by the global economy.

Also these films would not have been possible without looking cheesy back in the 80s. It's something we've only recently had the technology and special effects to pull off.
I loved Batman Begins as well as lot of other superhero films. A good origin story done well, with a budget put to good use is entertaining. However, recently I feel their have been too many superhero movies, to the point where they don't feel special anymore, but rather, just feel like Hollywood has to make a few every summer to get it over with and meet their deadlines sort of thing. They just feel obligated and not so special anymore.

One of my favorite films of all time is Unbreakable, which is superhero drama, and I highly recommend that one to any who hasn't seen it.