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watch Tension - Title Sequence Practice


Felt inspired by HBO's The Outsider and made my own intro credit sequence using milk, food coloring, and dish soap on the end of a q-tip to dip in the bowl and disperse the liquids. Shot on a Canon XC15 and lit with a Light & Motion Stella 2000. This is currently practice and made out of social distancing boredom, but it may turn into something more in the near future.

If I do this again I'd blend the text in better. As of right now it looks a little more separate from the footage than I'd like. What do you think?
We must go deeper!
Agree. It's always interesting to discover what we thought was new is actually old. And then improved on through the years. Case in point, Tim Macmillan's time slice experiments, years before THE MATRIX. I guess Tim was in turn inspired by the classic work of Muybridge. I know I initially was when I first started making music videos and commercials.

I remember years ago being very impressed with the opening titles to DELICATESSEN then being reminded of the the equally creative titles for the ANNA MAY WONG classic PICCADILLY. It's a stunning film and well worth watching BTW. Plus, like ABEL GANCE'S sumptuous, visual feast NAPOLEON these old masters remind us how creative and innovative silent filmmakers really were. And that there's so much we can continually learn from and be inspired by.