Supergirl +1 Super hero Fan Film

This has all of the ear marks of a student or Indie film.

I give the filmmakers credit for making a film the Hollywood studios won't touch.
I don't know, I don't get the impression the 'cheesyness' was entirely deliberate. Or, rather that they were trying to incorporate some stuff deliberately, but some of it is also just the result of bad filmmaking. I think there's an art to doing bad well, and they don't quite have it down yet.
I agree with ItDonnedOnMe the quality of the film is a result of bad filmmaking. Or, more like the film was a "Learn as we go along" production where they are learning as they get more experience with each new project. I'd say they just don't have much credits under their belt.

They may have gotten the college campus to use because they are actually film students too.

I watched it to the end twice. As I said, I give them credit for using female super heroes to make a fan film. Hollywood is just too prejudice with too many stereotypes to make a good female superhero movie.

Hopefully, Kick Ass 2 will show them the way. The fight choreography in the Hit Girl vs. Mother Russia fight was topnotch. That, of course is a Lions Gate Production made in Canada. Also, Hit Girl on top of the van was another great piece of work.

Not even a fight like this will budget Hollywood to give the ladies a try.
Same here.

It's a shame Josh Friedman and the rest of the writers of the series went off on a tangent in Season 2 with something like 14 main stars instead of the original 4 in Season 1. The series would still be on the air, if they kept the series focused. I watched it every week. But, I have to agree with friends who watched it on and off. If you skipped a couple of episodes, you were lost with all the different directions the show went with so many main stars.

Good fight scenes, action, special effects, and set designs can do a lot for a super hero film just like it can for a science fiction film to attract fans.