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Yeah, right? Why can't people just say "Check my film out." DavidA = Jeremy Dean = Dean Labs = The film posted.
It's so funny that my personal recommendation for people reading this thread is to NOT to follow the links.

Basically, we're dealing with another film maker who has so little respect for either his audience or his product that he believes he has to con people into visiting his site.

Laugh that one off! :lol

Oh and by the way... David also has a habit of re editing his posts... so on top of using the world's lamest marketing strategy he also believes he'll get more traffic if he bumps the thread!

HAHAHA This is hilarious!

Ok, this is my last post then I'm leaving this forum forever. I just wanted to clear the air. I'm not angry at anyone, I'm not upset, I'm just severely confused! :lol:

I work for a web company. I was contracted to work on a web site (unnamed). The server that the web site is on has many other web sites hosted on it as well. The client I work for requested some google adwords to be placed. While testing this, I found something kind of interesting... A link back to the same server I was working on, under a different domain. So, I clicked it to see what it was all about.

Wow, it was the strategem web site. Cool! So, I came here to ask if anyone has heard or seen it.

What a welcome! Thanks guys! You really love film! HAHA.

Get a girlfriend. It helps with all the angst.

Uh yeah that's why you changed your email at indietalk.com since the first one was a domain registered to the above filmmaker (you). We aren't stupid. IndieTalk is a site for helping filmmakers, you don't need to pull those tricks here. You are welcome to come back as yourself and tell us about your film, but this fake account is banned.
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