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watch Strange horrormovie


I made this film a few years ago. I guess it´s a strange movie, but I enjoyed making it. I tried to make a surrealistic horrormovie, but I´m not sure I succeed. The story is hard to follow. The film is about an artist who dreams about having his own museum, but after a while his dream turns into a nightmare. I hope you can enjoy this movie or laugh about it ;). There are english subtitles.

Nice work! The camerawork and music is superb. The use of dutch and under angles was fantastic. I think the use of improper framing and awkward leveling gives the film a very dark and dream-like feel. I like the concept and pacing. Very Lynch-like. I really liked the ending as well.

I don't know about the voiceover though. I don't think it's needed. Don't tell what you can show, and in this case, his love of art (particularly modern extreme surrealistic art) is evident in the visuals. There were some dark shots in the film, particularly in the restaurant. You need to properly set your exposure, ISO, and aperture. Or you need faster lenses and lighting. There was also some out of focus shots as well. Make sure everything is in focus next time. It's also a bit slow. The film could probably have a 2 or 3 minutes chopped off. Also, if the guy is being sent body parts, why wouldn't he turn them into the police? If he would turn them if, they could identify who's body parts those are, and most likely find the killer. White balance seemed off in a few shots/scenes. I have a feeling if you color corrected and graded some shots, it would look much better. In fact, I would be willing to grade your short films if you'd like. The guy in the chair didn't look like he was being held captive or being tortured. I think some bruises and scars would help. That stabbing looked really fake. Sound would really help the scene. Some gruesome sounds of ripping flesh and dripping blood would work. Some quick editing in the stab sequence could help as well. Sometimes the blood looked really fake. You either need color correction or you need to make the blood darker.

Thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed it, and I hope to see more. :cool:
Thanks for your comment man ;). I'm a big fan of David Lynch. Especially Lost Highway and The Elephant Man. You're absolutely right. I have to work on the white balance. I have to figure it out on my DSRL. It would be nice if I could ask you for help! Thanks already ;). The movie is a bit messy indeed, but I'm glad you liked it.
Thanks for your comment man ;). I'm a big fan of David Lynch. Especially Lost Highway and The Elephant Man. You're absolutely right. I have to work on the white balance. I have to figure it out on my DSRL. It would be nice if I could ask you for help! Thanks already ;). The movie is a bit messy indeed, but I'm glad you liked it.

What DSLR do you have?