Starting a film festival

Shooters needed to collaborate on scam festival documentary

Shooters with guts needed with any skills and from any area or country to collaborate on an expose documentary about fraudulent film festivals operating around the world.

This is a hard hitting expose documentary about the con men and women who are scamming fellow filmmakers out of hundreds of thousands of pounds while promoting using the festival to promote their own films and taking all the awards. Several scam festivals have already been identified

This is an interesting filmmaking community project that will benefit all filmmakers. The completed projected “Film Festival Fraudsters” and will be submitted to film festivals around the world.

The documentary will also be sent to filmmaking schools (free) all over the world. Let’s educate the next generation of aspiring filmmakers and shut down scam festivals.

We have a number of festivals in mind that are blatant frauds so please help us to shut down some of these con festivals. We need help from all shooters no matter what you do or what area you work in. You can simply make a few phone calls, make an interview, edit a short piece, doorstep festival organiser or submit to festivals

All shooters will share in the credit of this community film and represent the documentary with the media and festivals in their area or country


Tel +44 (0) 77799 77769
Tel +44 (0) 207 193 8870
info ”at”
Shooters with guts needed with any skills and from any area or country to collaborate on an expose documentary about fraudulent film festivals operating around the world.

This is a hard hitting expose documentary about the con men and women who are scamming fellow filmmakers out of hundreds of thousands of pounds while promoting using the festival to promote their own films and taking all the awards. Several scam festivals have already been identified

This is an interesting filmmaking community project that will benefit all filmmakers. The completed projected “Film Festival Fraudsters” and will be submitted to film festivals around the world.

The documentary will also be sent to filmmaking schools (free) all over the world. Let’s educate the next generation of aspiring filmmakers and shut down scam festivals.

We have a number of festivals in mind that are blatant frauds so please help us to shut down some of these con festivals. We need help from all shooters no matter what you do or what area you work in. You can simply make a few phone calls, make an interview, edit a short piece, doorstep festival organiser or submit to festivals

All shooters will share in the credit of this community film and represent the documentary with the media and festivals in their area or country


Tel +44 (0) 77799 77769
Tel +44 (0) 207 193 8870
info ”at”

I don't mean to be rude, but couldn't you have started your own thread on this??? This thread is not about fraudulent film festivals. It's about starting a film festival.

Your post makes it sound like the idea of this festival in Toronto and all the advice given here is about some festival that is a scam.

Next time, kindly have the decency to start your own thread, as your topic is not related to this thread, just because they both discuss festivals.

Good luck with your documentary.