Sound Devices 302 or Edirol 44 for EX1 sound

I'm shooting a movie soon with the EX1 and I've got some sound questions.

I've been looking at an Edirol R-44 or a sound devices 302 mixer. Now, everyone seems to love their 302's, but I want to know if I would get better results using the edirol and recording double system or going the sound devices straight to camera. The edirol has 24bit recording, but the sound devices supposedly has better preamps. What would people recommend?

My whole sound budget is AUS$3000 and if anyone is interested here is what my set up will probably be:
Rode NTG3 (with boom and blimp)
Rode NT55
either the edirol R44 or sound devices 302

Personally I would go with the Edirol. You'll have the ability to record the boom and up to three lavs without mixing down to two tracks. As an audio post guy I love to have the options.

Another plus is that you are not tethered to the camera.

Beside the recorder (or mixer) you'll need a shotgun for outdoors, a cardioid for indoors, a boom, lav mics with transmitters and receivers, lots of cable, headphones, cases, and a bunch of other odds and ends.

You may want to check out my production sound blogs here on IndieTalk.

See, I'm the guy who's always thinking towards the future, not just what is immediately in front of me. That's why I went with four tracks - you're gonna need it one day. Even if you don't have the lavs now they should be on your "to buy" list.

My real recommendation would be to hire a pro sound crew and let them supply gear they know how to use inside and out.

BTW, be careful buying the G-2s, some are in frequency ranges that are no longer viable, hence the cheap prices on some of them.
Thanks for the reply.
So you agree I should record 24bit double system as opposed to the EX1?
No I don't really need 4 tracks, but I like it that the edirol has level control dials which other recorders don't seem to have (plus I've found one for sale for US$600).

I've read the zoom has noisey preamps, if I was mixing from the mixpre to the zoom does this avoid the problem?

I totally agree that hiring someone for sound would be best, but unfortunately the nature of my shoot doesn't allow it. I'm shooting in the small town I'm living in (300km from anything) on and off for around 6 months.

PS What's iso?