
hey guys i need some help with something. I have a music video due in about a week and a half for my film class. I'm not sure if it's do able in that amount of time but I want to have the audio playback be normal but I want the footage to play in reverse. does any body know what would be the easiest way to do this (I don't think it matters but I'm using final cut pro)? for example if anyone is a fan of Jack Johnson his new video is exactly what I'd like to do. I'm not sure how to sync up the music with the footage to make it look like the person is still singing. if anybody has ideas or has done this before please HELP!!
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You would have to have the band learn the song backwards, and they would sync to that during playback. Then, you would play the footage backwards.
yeah but it will be someone singing so would they have to read the song backwards as best as they could. I dunno that seams too hard. any other suggestions?
I haven't seen the example video you mentioned, but I *think* I can visualise what you mean.

Export the video in a frame-by-frame format. (Like Fimstrip) Then re-import all the frames in the order you need to lay them down. You can automate that process (and pop them all into the timeline) in After Effects.

I'm trying to think of an easier way to explain it.
For best results, have the band memorize the song backwards as indie said. That should not be too complicated since you an just reverse the audio in FCP and have them listen to that. It will take a bit of practice. I'm pretty sure that's how Spike Jonze made a certain video. I'm not sure what Steve means...their lips would not be in sync.
If the song was "Bob, bob, bob" of "du, du, du" I think the aforementioned idea would work. The Coldplay video "The Scientist" has the method you describe. Brilliant video.
I believe they had Chris Martian learn the song backwards. They only show the lead singer though, so filming a whole band would take considerably more time. But if you are still intent on doing it, play the song backwards, write the "new lyrics out" as best you can in phonetics... and try that out with the signer.

Good luck!
I agree with indie.. if possible do the band normal in front of a greenscreen, and then fill in the background with whatever is going backwards.