So what did you learn (or do) this past weekend? (6/6)

With another week at it's end, the question is posed:

What did you do or learn about filmmaking over the past weekend? (or week, even)

As for myself:

I took the final class in a course on basic acting. Not that I am an actor; I wanted to be able to communicate better with actors and see what makes them tick... I think I'll be able to direct a bit better than just, "Okay, do your thing!" now. :blush: (Met some foxy babes, too!)

So what did you do or learn about filmmaking this weekend? It doesn't have to be huge; Learn a new technique? Read a good book? Forget to remove the lens-cover? Even the smallest points on filmcraft add up. :D
I found an interesting tutorial on some of the techie side of filming and sound equipment. Learned a bit about recording sound, although certainly not enough.

Bought a new tripod. Not a very expensive one but not a totally cheapo either. Next step up will be a fluid head set up.

Combed the local flea markets for a Super8 camera just to have for later experimenting. Found that this must not be a popular area for Super8's at all. Found none. Only the old VHS camcorders.

Shot a lot with my 35mm still set up. Trying to go fully manual and learn more.

It finally came in at the book store so I started reading my copy of "The Five C's of Cinematography"

Found out my wife shares NO interest in film making....should be fun! :wink:
I learnt about Particle Illusion! Without advertising to much I love it! Has anyone ever used it? It's great for creating title sequences and has an infinate load of particle generators which you can use to create tornados, fire, cloud, smoke, rain, time warp looks, beam me up scotty effects... it's great!
I read a lot about Ronald Reagan and J Lo.

I saw the new Potter flick and the new Kate Hudson borefest which was less boring than her last borefest but she wasn't as sexy in the latest one. I re-watched The Royal Tenenbaums - I love Wes Anderson! I also finished the script for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - I love Charlie Kaufman! I even had time to peck away at my own shoddy excuse for a screenplay, and in doing so I learned that I don't suck as bad as I once thought I did ... or do I?

That Particle Illusion sounds good, with a few effects that I'll be looking to do later this year. Hmmm. Or maybe I could sucker.. err... sweet-talk someone into doing the fx on some footage.

"Five C's" any good, JJ?

Keep writing, Poke! A little bit each day!

Rizien... lawsuit incoming. I read your post and then slipped in a puddle of my own drool, and hurt my back. My attorney claims you are liable for "willfully and knowingly owning a camera better than mine". I'd look up the actual Federal Statute against that on the 'net, before my law team from "Dewey, Suk, Dingle and Howe!" subpeonas you... Arrrgh my back!

(Seriously, nice camera) :P