Small Business - What other than feature films?

Hey guys.
I am starting a small production company off but with the business training i am getting it is fine for me to do so, but they are asking something that in the meantime i can make money per week so to speak.

What would you recommend and why?

The only other thing i can think of is wedding type events, i dont wanto go down the road of ads.

Ideas anyone?
Weddings, altough grueling work for some, can be an excellent way to make good money on the side. You have to market yourself properly though. There are already a lot of videographers out there doing you have to try and get a foot in the door, and maybe have an edge they don't...

Most indie film is shot on weekends. So if you need a real can do that too. Anything will do. Many of my filmmaking buddies have 9-5's. As long as you don't want to shoot straight through...a 9-5 is how it's done.

Or you could marry a rich girl (or guy), who let's you stay home and be a director...:) I know people like that also.
I freelance as a wedding video editor, someone else films it, I just put it all together and add nice graphics and music and all. As M1chae1 said, it's tedious, but it is steady work. This also funds my own company to do the things I want to do, such as produce music videos :) I worked out a deal with a video production company who is backed up on wedding videos and was looking for a video editor to do some sidework, so you might want to look into the same kind of deal. No matter what the economy is, people will still get married. So, I'm sure wedding videos are always in demand, I just happened to get lucky and find someone in need of help.
My other main source of business is Youth Sports highlight videos. Soccer moms LOVE having Johhny play soccer or baseball to ESPN style motion graphics and music. I also do college prospect highlight reels, also a steady source of income if you market yourself correctly. College highlight reels are instant big ticket items, people are willing to pay a lot of money to give their kids an edge into a college- it's so competitive. The only thing is, once again, you have to market yourself either as less inexpensive as most other companies, or offer something really unique, I chose the good quality/lesser price tag option.
where i am from here in australia, there is only 1 other wedding production company, in a population of around 100,000. so theres weddings every week i would say about 10 or so.
1 or 2 a week then im looking good. im thinking thats the best option doing weddings, theres no colleges near me, and they dont really play basketball etc, sport well it would vary there isnt that much where moms would pay here.
OK, Rugby then, or football. I'm sure football (soccer to us) or even that confusing game called cricket is popular around you? Well, there's always the Girsl Gone Wild Down Under that's never been produced. LOL!
What about real estate? Here there's a market for Real Estate video work, anything like that down there where the water spins backwards? Sorry, Australia is my top destination choice, I love your coutry, you gave us AC/DC and Nicole Kidman, who wouldn't like Australia? I hope to go there someday, with or without my wife who wants to go to Hawaii. Anyway, good luck and wish I could offer better suggestions, but it sounds like you have different markets that are in demand than here in the US.
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