Shooting film "no budget" film with SAG Actors...

I'm shooting a little short film with SAG actors that have agreed to do it for no pay. However, I don't want to make them break their SAG rules. They are aware that this will NOT be a SAG film. Do I have any choice in the matter but to just let them break their own rules? I would prefer to do it so its "legal" for them, but I have no funds to pay them. Any suggestions?

Also, I don't mind filing "waiver" type agreements with SAG, but I'm not sure if anything exists that would allow me to "legally-per the actors agreements" use SAG actors without following the SAG pay schedules/rules??
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You, as a non signatory to the SAG agreement won't face any legal problems. SAG
actors can face problems with their guild if they choose to break the rules. The link
our Founder provided should answer your questions.
Read the short film agreement. You don't have to pay them, you can defer up to 100% of their pay which at scale is only $100 a day. You still have to handle other issues though such as transportation, allowances, and overnights.
With a no budget short, just go for it. I'm guessing that these actors aren't well known or even D-list actors, but in the union. There are people who have done nothing but background work that are "SAG Actors".:hmm: Nobody is going to come looking for them. The other option, if you don't want to go for the SAG Indie Short contract, is to have them work under a stage name.