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Shooting at night

Hello all,

I will be shooting a night shot soon and seeing if anyone had any ideas.

I do not want to use a generator or having wall power and the shot will be in the street with houses in the background. I was thinking a day for night but did not know if that was a good possibility.

I do not want to use a generator or having wall power and the shot will be in the street with houses in the background.
Use the battery operated "LitePanels". They're amazing - light, stay cool,
very powerful, portable and battery operated. Too expensive to buy, but
a great rental item. No generator, no wall power.

I was thinking a day for night but did not know if that was a good possibility.
It usually looks bad, but you may be able to pull it off. Keep the sky out
of the shot at all times and make sure you do not see shadows anywhere
(a dead giveaway) and with a lot of work and some talent and skill, you
can make day-for-night look fair.
It really depends on what sort of shots your doing and the content of the film. I did a night shoot last week as an experiment. Get at least an LED light. Stable shots are going to be the best [Example; http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/257266_10151187244653265_1283423147_o.jpg]

When you get into tracking and lighting a figure, then you might be able to light them fine but the background will just be awash with darkness. Filming between 5am and 6am is great, because you start getting blues through. But you have to be super super fast. These shots were taken about 15 mins apart and the light difference is huge

1. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/333541_10151187245088265_1592698251_o.jpg

2. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/242956_10151187245853265_321406824_o.jpg

Shot on a Nikon 50mm at 1.8