Script coverage

I want to send our script through one more round of script coverage with 3 different readers. I used to use Screenplay Readers and liked them a lot but I'm not sure if they're still around (no response from vm or email)

Can anyone recommend a coverage service they like?
I've used Lynne Pembroke at several times, and she does a thorough, succinct, and professional job (if you use her, mention my name -- maybe she'll give me a discount in the future :) ).

Can I ask why three? Usually one or two will give you a pretty good idea how a reader at a prodco or studio will respond to your work.

Not looking for a prod co or studio as I am making this film, but looking to compare notes between readers. A single reader may not care for something that another may think is great. A broader spectrum will give you a sense of what is more of an objective problem vs what is subjective preference.

Thanks for the reference.
I'll do a page of notes for seventy dollars. I won the grand prize at Slamdance and Amazon Studios for two different feature screenplays. And unlike virtually any reader you might hire, I have produced and directed three feature films and an animatic. I don't need the money, and I wouldn't want to read for a living but your post is intriguing. PM me if you're interested.
Hi IndieFilming, this is Brian from Screenplay Readers, and we're still around, going on 15 years, and we're not going anywhere. Let me know if I can help with any questions that aren't already answered on our site.

If you left us voicemail, please know we get a ton of voicemails per day, and can't always get to them all, but we *do* get back to every single email. Thanks sincerely!

Thanks for getting back to me Brian. I emailed you a little earlier about coverage and your business plan template. Love your service.