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Sample of work?

This may sound silly, but I recently got asked to send a sample of my work. I'm a screenwriter. However, I want to make sure what is meant by "sample". & how much of a sample do I give?

This guy is a big shot and I don't want to mess it up.

Any one out there have to do this before?
This may sound silly, but I recently got asked to send a sample of my work. I'm a screenwriter. However, I want to make sure what is meant by "sample". & how much of a sample do I give?

This guy is a big shot and I don't want to mess it up.
Any one out there have to do this before?

It's not silly. Congratulations. And it's exhilirating to receive such a request. But after the initial rush, the cautious part of the brain needs to kick in.

Is this in the film/television industry? advertising industry? Is this for representation? staff writing position? Does he want a print or electronic version?

I have been asked to send the first 10-15 pages of a script and have had shorts requested. It could be scenes from different genres. It can be a short (5-15 pages) or a full spec script. For TV, often a full spec is requested to see how you handle hooks and act structures. It could be a PSA script. I have heard of writers submitting non-screenplay samples (a treatment). If you have personal contact, I'd simply ask. ("Will it help you to have 15 pages of my spec script, or would you like more?"). If they're offended by a simple request, that's a bit of a red flag.

On the other side, new screenwriters tend to be vulnerable to scams. If you don't know the individual

Be sure that you check out the individual (and their agency) on writer watch lists.
.....(Predators & Editors) http://pred-ed.com/
.....(Thumbs-Down Agency List) http://www.sfwa.org/for-authors/writer-beware/thumbs-down-agency/
..... and others

----Check credentials, production, sales (IMDB)
----Be especially careful if you are asked to pay money for services after submission

Anything you send, should be registered, for your protection.

Try asking this question about submitting samples on other screenwriting groups as well:
..... http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/screenwriting/
..... http://absolutewrite.com/
..... and others

If he asked for a sample and not the spec, I'd send the first act (15-20 pages). And hopefully it will be enticing enough that he requests the rest of the script! But that is my take. I'd be curious to learn what your experience is and what others suggest to you.
Good luck!
Thanks for replying!

I just sent him a few pages of the most recent script I wrote. I told him that if he wanted anything differently to just let me know. Every one seems to want different things sometimes. It was a action scene. I hope it draws him in.

The gig isn't for one of my already written screenplays, he just wanted to see if my writing was worth it I guess. The gig is to write an idea of his I do believe. He said he'd send me more info on the project once he received my sample.

You're very right about being scammed. It happens way too often! So, I IMBD'ed him, and he's legit. He actually texted me first, so I have his phone number as well.

My luck has seemed to of changed lately. I recently signed on to co co-write a film that will be airing on the UK BBC network in 2012..and now this! Honestly, my main interested is to become a film director, but I'm trying to use what I'm good at to get me to where I want to be. It's a smart choice on my part I think. Besides, knowing how to write a movie will only make me a better director I believe.
I've tried this and let me give you one piece of advice. If you guys make a deal I suggest it be that he give you parameters to follow, you write the WHOLE thing, then he gets to nit-pick. :)