Recommended Reading?

Was hoping to get some recommendations on books to read on the very, very, very basics of things like lenses, mics, lighting, sound, etc. Books for a complete noob who wants to jump into the deep end and learn by doing but needs at least something to help them recognise their mistakes and progress beyond complete crap to something... less crap.
I'm a sound guy, so here's my list of books about sound for picture:

Sound and Vision - Michael Chion
The Location Sound Bible - Ric Viers
The Sound Effects Bible - Ric Viers
The Foley Grail - Vanessa Ament
Dialog Editing - John Purcell
The Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound - David Yedall
Sound Design - David Sonnenschien
I'm a sound guy, so here's my list of books about sound for picture:

Sound and Vision - Michael Chion
The Location Sound Bible - Ric Viers
The Sound Effects Bible - Ric Viers
The Foley Grail - Vanessa Ament
Dialog Editing - John Purcell
The Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound - David Yedall
Sound Design - David Sonnenschien

Wow, thanks.

That list certainly looks daunting though for someone who hasn't even started on the journey. Also expensive. Making movies is expensive. Maybe I should look into prostitution as a means to finance my learning curve.
It's a hell of a lot less expensive than $8,000 a semester at some diploma mill.......

Start with Ric Viers The Location Sound Bible; that's what you're going to need to learn first.