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Receive $20.00 for each short film you upload on Kinoflix!

Can we have some background on you and your company and what you are actually trying to do? I know this will be on your websit but people like me dont even go if i smell something bad in the kitchen. (yes im paranoid!) A little more detail goes a long way.
I did a whois for kinoflix

I resolves to a Indian film school.. not saying thats a bad thing.. just maybe kinoflix is a student run project.. its beta and CopyRight 2011 so maybe its just starting up.. ??


EDIT: That said, when you go look at the OP's other messages this is all he talks about, but he DOES seem to support that they are just starting out etc. time will tell I guess.. Personally don't think this is a scam, it just might not be fully realized.. and I cant say if you'll ever get money..

Quoting my self is sorta crazy, but Like I said.. this seems to be a new venture from inexperienced folks... growing pains will ensue, question is.. is it worth the pain to participate? I don't see this as a scam exactly, though its possible your videos are ending up in a locale that doesn't have the same respect for copyright law as the US.
I just wanted every producer to know that Kinoflix isn't a scam. Our startup isn't based in India. Our developers are based in India. They are a honest group of developers i have worked with for sometime. Our main issue right now is our dedicated server. I have spoken to our head developer and he is suggesting that we switch providers. The problem isn't security related :)

I just uploaded a 100MB file without any error message. You may also submit your short films to admin@kinoflix.com and we can upload them for you. Just provide us with your Kinoflix username , film title and description. Your short films will appear live within 24-48 hours. If any of you have any technical questions, please email Vijay Sabharwal our web developer.


He will be able to answer all your questions.

As for myself, i am not an experienced executive with a masters degree, but i am an honest person trying to build a honest independent short film network. It is my hope that we will have all these glitches resolved shortly.
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Stream Your Short Films On Kinoflix! Earn $20.00 For Each Short Film Uploaded!

Dear Producers.

Kinoflix is currently inviting all interested short film producers to become a part of our newly launched independent short film network! As a promotion we are currently giving away free lifetime producer memberships and twenty dollars for each short film uploaded onto our platform! Additional revenue channels will be introduced sometime next year.

We were experiencing some technical difficulties earlier this month with our network. These technical difficulties have since been repaired and our network has been running smoothly for the last few weeks. We apologize for inconvenience that some producers were experiencing while uploading their short films onto Kinoflix.

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Thanks for signing up, Kinoflix will be making some major enhancements in the coming months. There are many improvements that need to be made.
Kinoflix Will Begin Sending Payments To Short Film Producers in January.

Hello Everyone,

Kinoflix is currently inviting all interested short film producers to showcase their short films on www.kinoflix.com . Producers will receive $20.00 for each short film they upload. Payments will be sent out in January through paypal.

We have some exciting plans for the continued development of our network during the 2012 calender year. Our main focus at the moment is the recruitment of independent short film producers to showcase their masterpieces on our network. Once we have have enough short films, we will begin focusing on viewership through the use of third party distribution platforms that will bring instant viewership to Kinoflix.

Our network seems to be operating smoothly and producers should no longer experience any technical issues while uploading their short films onto our platform.

Showcase Your Short Films On Kinoflix.com! Generate Revenue From Your Short Films!

Kinoflix is a recently launched independent short film network, devoted to the promotion of independent short films. At this time, we are concentrating on gathering as many independent short film producers as possible to join Kinoflix and upload their short films onto our platform. As a Promotion, we are giving away free lifetime producer memberships and $20.00 for each short film you upload onto www.kinoflix.com

We have some exciting plans for the future development of our network, including the introduction of revenue streams to the producers. It is our intention to partner with a reputable video advertising network and place short video ads before the start of each short film that is featured on our network. Producers will receive at least 70% of the revenue that Kinoflix would receive from the video ad network. Each producer will have real time access to the analytics statistics of each of their short films, and would be able to keep track of their generated revenue. Payments will be made biweekly or monthly through paypal.

Kinoflix will always have free memberships for interested viewers. All they have to do is sign up for a fee membership to have instant access to all the short films. Eventually all visitors will be able to view the short films without creating an account, but will not be able to interact with the producers or members. For that, they will need to create a free account. Youtube is a perfect example.

The main focus of Kinoflix at the moment is content. Once we have enough content, we will begin to focus more on viewership. Our management is currently looking to partner with a number of well known third party distribution platforms to bring instant and massive viewership to our network. This will then enable Kinoflix to partner with a reputable and well established Video Advertising Network.

We have a number of promotional campaigns which are planned for the 2012 calender year. Some of these promotional campaigns will be in the form of sponsorships. We believe these sponsorships will be an effective way of presenting our network not only to the independent short film community, but to the film industry in general. Kinoflix is also looking into potential partnerships that would be instantly beneficial to the further growth of our network.

As the months go by, we plan to introduce new features to improve our existing network. We are excited for the challenge ahead of us. Our mission is to turn Kinoflix into something really special for the independent short film community! We hope to promote your short films to global audiences and to provide the each of you a source of revenue through video advertising.

Get Your Free Kinoflix Producer Account Today!:cool:

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I'm surprised at the enthusiasm at this. You never know what works. Is this all it takes really? I spend a thousand bucks (Edit: or let's say 400, since I already own most of the equipment) on my movie and I'm supposed to get excited when someone offers me 20 bucks???

I tried to get excited. I couldn't. Must be some sort of effect from all the horror films I've been watching lately.

Good luck. I'm beginning to think I don't know jack about human behavior. Next thing you know, I'm going to like this idea so much, I'm going to copy it.


Edit: I'm assuming there's nothing in their agreement that says they have any rights to your movie. And I suppose there's nothing wrong with 20 bucks. I still can't get myself to unfold my arms or get rid of that semi-pout from my face.
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Not a proper comment for a promotional thread. If you don't like it, don't post.