Reality TV show in the making... But have questions.

I'm preparing to make a reality TV Show, for just about anything in General.
How could I be able to shot in certain areas like in town, and not being sued for showing someones face on TV?
And how would I be able to record in a store, or any other place? I think Wal-mart doesn't allow it.
Are you shooting reality tv or some documentary?

Well I am doing a documentary (trial run on myself) I had to get written permission from a business to film on their property without - repeat WITHOUT using their logo in the film.
To shoot in certain areas like in town you'll need to ask permission.
Often the city council handles this, some cities have a film commission,
but you can start by contacting the local police department.

You will need to get releases from each person who appears. There is
some leeway but when I was shooting for "Amazing Race" there was
a "herd" of PA's and PM's with release forms following us everywhere.
I imagine their job is a nightmare.

To shoot in a store you will need permission from the owner. For all of
the chain stores you will need permission from the cooperate office.
It depends on state law. Looks like Georgia may have some strict hidden camera laws from looking on this site I know in California the papparazzi can't go onto private property (example: a nightclub parking lot) to film celebs. As far as people in the background in Georgia goes you need to talk to an attorney who does privacy law or entertainment law. Be careful of just going by what you hear from word of mouth. They might be wrong.
get pre-approval per location (especially at places like Wal*Mart) then have releases signed as you get content. Just call the local manager and explain what you are doing. You'll seldom have a problem. If at a public event, you need no releases. I usually don't even get so much as a press pass at these events. I've found it's much easier to just show up and ask the biggest secirity guy to step aside like I own the place. Send em for something and they'll be your bitch all day.