Question for computer gurus!

Ok, so... You probably don't have be a guru to know the answer to this, but I'm just looking for input.

As I stated in my thread in the newbies section titled something like "beginner computer/camera/ect. question"

I currently have an Asus K53e-BBR3 laptop, which is not really powerful enough to run my Pinnacle Studio 16 software. It worked great when I first started (although I'm still in the "just started" stage)... When I was just learning the software, putting 1 clip to transition to another clip... Worked great.

However, now that I'm working my way through effects, and corrections, The computer just isn't up to par.. If I have a 30 second clip on my timeline with a basic color correction, and Red Giant "Looks" applied, when I open my task manager, it shows 100% CPU usage just sitting there, not even trying to play the video.

So, I told you all that to ask this, out of the following options, which do you think would be the better investment?

Option1) Take my current laptop, and upgrade it to 8gig of ram, and an Intel Core i7 2670qm (The most powerful cpu it will support)... That processor is 2.2 ghz quad core, 8 thread.. so you don't have to look it up. That will basically leave my laptop as powerful as it can be.

Option2) The computer shop that I had look at my laptop, and who gave me the list of supported cpus, said he could do a custom [desktop] build for around $800-$1000 that would handle the editing well.

Option3) Would be to buy all the parts and assemble it myself... I've never built a PC before, but I've read a lot about it and have wanted to learn since I was in 8th grade..

So, these are the options I'm considering right now.

Let me know your thoughts,
academic pricing of adobe is very generous and easy to get.

If you want to have a dependable system, then don't do "edgy" things like overclocking CPU's\Video cards, or building a Hackintosh. Editing even a short film is hard enough WITHOUT added pain of troubleshooting system crashes!
I have yet to see a computer get realtime playback when Looks is involved. I know a guy with a beast of a machine (64 gigs of ram, 2 gig GPU, Xenon processor...) and it still got choppy with Looks. Looks is the kind of thing you add once your edit is locked and you don't need realtime playback anymore.

I can get realtime playback of unrendered footage (with MB:Looks applied) on my i7 processor based machine with a middle of the road graphics card and 12GB of ram..