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watch Puppet based action webseries: Feedback requested

Hi all,

I shot this series a year or so ago now, and I'm just rereleasing them onto youtube in HD. I'd love to get some feedback on the series in general, and maybe some suggestions as to how I can get the viewership up a little. Do I just hope to get featured? :)





The rest of the series will be uploaded over the next few days. Thanks in advance :)
Still watching, but so many sweet spots!! To quote Mies van der rohr (because I'm pretentious like that:D ), "God is in the details"...your series epitomizes this.
lollolol banana throwing stars

You should be proud of this work. Absolutely sparkling from props through sound design. Congratulations!

I know nothing about generating more views on Youtube. Hopefully someone here knows how to fully exploit that medium as this series deserves to be seen. Good Luck with this!
Pretty funny haha.

Promoted Videos are videos that pay for advertising. It's cheap, you set how much you want to pay per click and what your budget is per month and they run it till you meet it. It definitely helps to boost the views, and you can put an external link inside the video.
I've made episode 1 into a promoted video, lets see how it does :)


Episode 6 now live...this ones all action!
I got a bit worn out on the 80's action flick cliche that permeates the film. A few references is cool but that was just too much.

It was difficult to watch at times. The acting wasn't that great and that sex scene in the 5th episode was horrendous. If I'm supposed to be laughing throughout the film because this was intended to be campy, I don't think you hit the mark. I felt torn between taking it seriously and laughing at all the imbedded humor of having a puppet as a super-hero. Think "Team America" when you think about what I'm saying. You can't have people laughing if you set them up to feel some other emotion. Not that I'm the greatest at executing this, even though I know it's supposed to be like that.

When you put puppets on film you have to over-exaggerate their movements or they look a bit robotic.

Moving On: Whoever your DP was is really good, at least from my perspective. In fact that camera and lighting work was fantastic! The editing was clean and precise and I didn't really notice when one cut to the other happened because it flowed so smoothly.

That's my honest, no frills feedback but I'm no expert so take it for what it's worth.
Cheers for the honest feedback :)

Yes, our DOP was an old friend of mine, and he's a professional DOP...we were lucky enough to get him in a quiet period.
After reading my comments I realized I didn't really get across what I was trying to say about the team america bit. What I was trying to say is that the film is so well done that I couldn't really decide which direction I wanted to go. Essentially the execution was phenominal but I just don' t get the feeling that you guys knew which way you wanted to go. I honestly believe that if you had chosen to push the action hero feel or the comedic feel either one would have made the series very hard to criticize!

I hope that clarifies...
Well, the general idea was to play a lot of it fairly straight, in the hopes that a puppet monkey emoting is instantly hilarious :) We didn't always pull it off, I know, but I like to think a lot of it works.
Just watched the first one. Love it. Gonna have to watch all of them.

Is that the Wilhelm Scream?! :lol: That joke may be old-hat to some people, but it's brand-new to me. I'm totally gonna use it some day. Funny thing about monkeys and bananas -- it's not some fairy tale, they really do love them.
We got sponsored by a local bananas supplier for that last shot.

Cheers for all the feedback...for anyone who's watched it and liked it, please take a moment to comment, rate, subscribe or better yet share the episodes from YouTube. My ultimate goal is to get the series nominated for a streamy, and the more action our channel gets, the higher up the search ranking on YouTube we go.
Well, I write about getting more viewers for webseries a lot (over at www.guerillashowrunner.com), so I'll have a go at coming up with a few suggestions!

But first, a couple of questions, if you don't mind!

1) Do you have a trailer cut? If so, where have you tried to distribute it?

2) Have you tried getting in contact with blogs or forums for puppetry work, action movies or parodies therof, or similar sites? I'm thinking that there must be some "Team America" sites out there that you could talk to who would be enthusiastic about your work, for example.

3) What other routes have you tried for publicising your work? Article marketing, submission-based content sites, ads, press releases, other stuff?

Once I have an idea of what you've tried I can probably come up with some ways to increase your viewership.

I've done most of that...cut a trailer, and pushed it pretty hard online before releasing. It even screened on a locla TV station, which didn't seem to make much difference to be honest.

I've signed up to various sites and forums, both like this for general filmmaking and specific sites like puppetry. Theres quite a bit of interest, but pretty small numbers.

Submitted all the vids so far to Digg, reddit, stumble etc. Haven't paid for any ads, but I may look into that. Not exactly sure what article marketing is?

Willing to try all sorts of things really.
Righty, after thinking about this a bit:

- I'd say your target audience for this is very much the "silly stuff" side of the Internet. Have you tried Fark, Something Awful, 4Chan (I know, I know...), BoingBoing or Collegehumour?

- For submitting to anything vote-driven like Digg and the above sites, headline is all. I'd recommend brainstorming 20 or 30 headlines, and picking up a good copywriting book like "Tested Advertising Methods", as well as reading through all the headline tips on Copyblogger, before you start re-submitting. Submit your absolute best stuff, too - probably the trailer. If you can get a laugh in 20 seconds, you've got a good chance.

- A logline might really help you get past the 20-40 second hump. Currently when I arrive at the first episode, I know nothing but that it's about a monkey. I might not like monkeys - but I might love Team America-style 80s movie parodies. Let me know it's one of them in the description in YT! A description that makes me want to keep watching and lets me know what to expect will avoid me dropping out straight away ("WTF? I was told this was a puppet film but those guys are real people! I'm outta here!")

- On the Team America subject - I'd push the fact that it's a parody action movie with puppets - just like Team America - pretty hard. Maybe even change your subject line to include something like - "In the style of Team America" or "If you liked Team America, you'll like this". (Assuming that people who like Team America tend to like it, of course!). Also worth considering for headlines, as above. I've had quite a lot of success with linking my influences or similar-but-more-famous stuff to my work in headlines.

- This REALLY needs a trailer, and I couldn't find one online. What you want to do is to hook people with the hilarious action monkey hijinks to come, right from the start - that'll get them past the slightly flat acting (It's not bad, but let's face it, we're there for the monkey). You mention you've got one cut - I'd suggest linking to it at the start of every movie (via the YouTube annotation function).

- I'd also say that this really needs a website of its own. Currently you're being badly hamstrung by the YouTube interface - I can't find the trailer, I can't find any information on what this series is, I can't even easily find other episodes. A reasonably simple website would provide a great landing site, allow you to explain a bit more about the series and start building up supplementary material (like stills from the film - which you could then promote virally via sites like Reddit. People love a great still image).

You could also then use tracking codes in the website to track where people are stopping watching, which will allow you to optimise - particularly if you put the trailer front and center on the website. See http://guerillashowrunner.com/2011/...hen-they-start-where-they-come-from-and-more/

Anyway, a few tips there - hope they're of use!
Thats all great stuff, thank you...I'll try to implement as much as I can straight away.

BTW, heres our trailers:



I should really reload them in HD.
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