• If posting a video, please post HERE, unless it is a video as part of an advertisement and then post it in this section.
    • If replying to threads please remember this is the Promotion area and the person posting may not be open to feedback.

Promoting with Facebook etc.

I am sure everyone promotes using Facebook and Twitter and so on.
How about we have a thread that everyone can put that info down, all in one spot? The hope would be that everyone on these forums would support each other by liking their pages and following them on Twitter and other sites. This would help to build an even stronger network of artists.

I have a new Facebook page which I would be very happy for people to Like when they have a chance. The link is: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Buster-Hamilton-Productions/180429905345493

Your support will be a great help!

I look forward to following others who add their info here.
I have followed each of your links. To help make this thread the most efficient and purposeful, as you add your links, you should follow as many others as you can. It only takes a few minutes and your network only expands that much more.

EDIT: Added a twitter account. Please add www.twitter.com/BusterHamilton
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I have followed each of your links. To help make this thread the most efficient and purposeful, as you add your links, you should follow as many others as you can. It only takes a few minutes and your network only expands that much more.

Me too! I totally agree! Anyone who sees a new Like from "Gilles Perez", that's me! Please like me back right here:

Or Twitter here:
