Producer's Rep

Has anyone used or thought about using a producer's rep for film festivals / sales?

I have heard both success and horror stories about using them and do not know the first place to start looking for one and knowing how to trust them.

Any thoughts and ideas?

The first place to start looking is Google

Your second step is to use Google to research specific reps. You
can also type in “sales agent”.

As with any agent or representative you need to be very, very wary
of paying them up front. On the other hand, like any agent or
representative if they are agreeing to work strictly on commission
you will need to have a product they fully believe in. And those
are very few and far between. After all, working for six to
eighteen months repping a film can cost them a LOT of money.

So most will charge a fee. When I said be wary I did not mean all
who charge an upfront fee are scams - just to do your research and
do it well. Chances are you will spend as much time and effort
vetting agents or reps as you did making your movie.

I know there are bad reps out there but most of the horror stories
you read about are from disgruntled filmmakers who simply did
not have a movie the rep could place. That's a bitter pill to swallow
and few filmmakers can take the blame themselves.
You ask for thoughts or ideas, someone gives you one, and you come back with a snide remark.

Not cool... :hmm:

From what I've seen on this site, directorik is one of the more experienced members and has no problems with offering advice from years of experience. That's a rare thing in the movie biz.

So in the future, if you only want certain types of ideas presented to you, perhaps you should outline those types at the offset. That way, no one will waste your time with their unneeded advice... :rolleyes:
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Thanks Vegas. I'm used to it.

Some people have no sense of humor. He had no idea where to
start looking so I pointed him in the right direction with a little
humor. I then went on to offer my thoughts based on my
experience, but I see now this is someone I can avoid in the future.

I appreciate the kind words, Vegas.
Has anyone used or thought about using a producer's rep for film festivals / sales?

I have heard both success and horror stories about using them and do not know the first place to start looking for one and knowing how to trust them.

Any thoughts and ideas?
You don't need a sales rep to get into festivals.

You don't need a sales rep to get your movie sold on Amazon, iTunes or NetFlix (if you choose to give your movie away for peanuts).

Blockbuster has been slowly going out of business if you haven't noticed. Walmart and Best Buy only carry "the hits" -- not indie films.

What does that leave you with? There is no purpose in using a "sales rep" unless you enjoy giving away a chunk of your profits in exchange for doing something that you can do yourself. Also don't forget the cost of hiring a lawyer to review contracts. Just not worth it in the year 2012. Maybe 15 years ago it was.
You don't need a sales rep to get into festivals.

You don't need a sales rep to get your movie sold on Amazon, iTunes or NetFlix (if you choose to give your movie away for peanuts).

This is very true, but my concern is with marketing. Once a film hits Amazon or ITunes or Netflix - will anyone be aware of it? I am wondering if a sales rep at least pushes the thing. And perhaps a sales rep has more weight with tv networks and is aware of markets that you may not be?
If you have something good then it will catch the eye of the media when you send it to them. Most indie stuff is not newsworthy and never gets any buzz. Having a sales rep isn't going to make your movie newsworthy.